Fernando Wilson dos Santos (died 1991) served as the representative of UNITA, a rebel group in Angola, to Portugal.[1] His brother-in-law, Tito Chingunji, served as Foreign Secretary of UNITA, the principal rebel group that fought against the dos Santos government in Angola's civil war.[2]
In the 1990s, UNITA Foreign Minister Tony da Costa Fernandes and UNITA Interior Minister General Miguel N'Zau Puna allegedly uncovered the fact that Jonas Savimbi ordered the assassinations of both dos Santos and Chingunji. Dos Santos and Chingunji's deaths and the defections of Fernandes and Puna weakened the UNITA's relationship with the United States and harmed Savimbi's international reputation. Savimbi denied the allegations.[3]
The original article can be found at Wilson dos Santos and the edit history here.