Military Wiki
US Air Force Logo Silver

U.S. Air Force Symbol

USAF logo

Blue and white version


I1998 Research, surveys and focus groups commissioned

  • 1999 Symbol designed
  • May 2000 Trademark registration filed
  • 2001 Symbol tested throughout Air Force
  • 2002 Survey of internal Air Force audience revealed 90% identify the new symbol as the official Air Force symbol
  • Sept 2003 Trademark registration date. Serial #76040432 and Registration #2767190
  • May 2004 USAF Chief of Staff designates Symbol as the Official Symbol of the Air Force [1]


The U.S. Air Force symbol honors the heritage of our past and represents the promise of our future. It retains the core elements of our Air Corps heritage—the "Arnold" wings and star with circle—and modernizes them to reflect our air and space force of today and tomorrow. The symbol has two main parts. In the upper half, the stylized wings represent the stripes of our strength—the enlisted men and women of our force. They are drawn with great angularity to emphasize our swiftness and power, and they are divided into six sections which represent our distinctive capabilities—air and space superiority, global attack, rapid global mobility, precision engagement, information superiority, and agile combat support. In the lower half are a sphere, a star and three diamonds. The sphere within the star represents the globe. It reminds us of our obligation to secure our nation's freedom with Global Vigilance, Reach and Power. The globe also reminds us of our challenge as an expeditionary force to respond rapidly to crises and to provide decisive aerospace power, worldwide. The area surrounding the sphere takes the shape of a star. The star has many meanings. Its five points represent the components of our Total Force and family—our active duty, civilians, Guard, Reserve and retirees. The star symbolizes space as the high ground of our nation's air and space force. The rallying symbol in all our wars, the star also represents our officer corps, central to our combat leadership. The star is framed with three diamonds, which represent our core values—integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do. The elements come together to form one symbol that presents two powerful images—at once it is an eagle, the emblem of our nation, and a medal, representing valor in service to our nation.

External links[]

The Air Force Symbol is NOT public domain. People wishing to use the Air Force Symbol need to enter a license agreement with the Air Force. (see below)

All or a portion of this article consists of text from Wikipedia, and is therefore Creative Commons Licensed under GFDL.
The original article can be found at United States Air Force Symbol and the edit history here.