Military Wiki
Central Technical Training Command, Us army air corps shield
Part of Army Air Forces Training Command
Type Technical/Indoctrination Training
Site information
Controlled by United States Army Air Forces
Site history
In use 1941-1944
Garrison information
Garrison Army Air Force Training Command

Central Technical Training Command is an inactive United States Air Force unit. It was assigned to the Army Air Forces Training Command, stationed at Saint Louis, Missouri. It was inactivated on 1 March 1944


  • Established as Second Technical Training District, on 1 November 1941
Redesignated: Central Technical Training Command, on 31 August 1943
Inactivated on 1 March 1944


Established on 1 November 1941 when the United States Army Air Corps reorganized its technical training organization. Headquarteed at St. Louis, Missouri it's mission was the orientation, classification, basic, and technical training of enlisted men and the training of nonrated officers at officer candidate and officer training schools and in technical subjects like armament, engineering, communications, and photography.

Redesignated as Central Technical Training Command on 31 August 1943 when Army Air Forces Training Command consolidated technical and flying training under one major command.

Requirements in the combat theaters for graduates of technical training schools proved to be smaller than initially expected, so the Army Air Forces reduced the size of these training programs in January 1944. The cut in technical training was particularly heavy, so AAF Training Command requested and received authority to discontinue the headquarters of Central Technical Training Command in St Louis, Missouri, effective 1 March 1944.

Simultaneously, the headquarters of Eastern Technical Training Command moved from Greensboro, North Carolina, to St Louis. All stations previously in the central command, with the exception of Keesler Field, became part of the eastern command. Keesler went to the western command .


  • Manning, Thomas A. (2005), History of Air Education and Training Command, 1942–2002. Office of History and Research, Headquarters, AETC, Randolph AFB, Texas ASIN: B000NYX3PC