This list shows the family names that were found in King James II Stuart's Army in Ireland which was active during the Williamite war in Ireland. The majority of the army was made up of Irish Catholics, however there are Scottish, Welsh, French and Cambro-Norman names, along with the names of Anglo-Irish Protestant and Scots-Irish Presbyterian families who all fought on the side of the Jacobites.[1]
- Adams
- Allen
- Ankitell
- Archbold
- Archdeacon
- Archer
- Armstrong
- Arthur
- Arundel
- Aagill
- Ash
- Athy
- McAuliffe
- McAwley
- Aylmer
- Aylward
- Babe
- Babington
- Bagnall
- Bagot
- Baker
- Balfe
- Barker
- Barnewall
- Barrett
- Barron
- Barry
- Bathe
- Beatagh
- Bedford
- Begg
- Bellew
- Bennett
- Berford
- Bermingham
- Berry
- Berwick, Duke of
- Bingham
- Binns
- Blake
- Blanchville
- Blenerhasset
- Bodkin
- Bohilly
- Boiselean
- Bolger
- Bond
- Boyd
- Boyton
- Brabazon
- Bray
- Brennan
- Brett
- Brice
- Bridgman
- Browne
- Bruce
- O'Bryan
- Bulkeley
- Burke
- Burnell
- Burton
- Bushe
- Butler
- O'Byrne
- Caddon
- O'Cahane or Kyan
- O'Callaghan
- Callanan
- Cantwell
- Carew
- Carey
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carter
- Cashel
- Casinone
- Cassidy
- Casy
- Cavenagh
- Chamberlain
- Chapell
- Cheevers
- Clancy
- Clayton
- O'Clery
- Clements
- Clifford
- Clinch
- Clinton
- Cogan
- MacCoghlan
- Colclough
- Coleman
- Collins
- Comerford
- Comyn
- Condon
- O'Connell
- O'Connolly
- O'Conor
- O'Connor
- Conry or Conroy
- Conway
- Conyngham
- Cooke
- Cooshene
- Coopinger
- Copley
- Corbet
- McCormick
- Cosby
- Costello
- Cotter
- Courtney
- Cox
- Creagh
- Crean
- Cripps
- Crofton
- Croghan
- Crosby
- Crowley
- Cruice or Cruise
- Curran
- Cusack
- Dale
- D'Alton
- Davis
- O'Dea
- Dean
- Dease
- DeCourcy
- De-la-Hoyde
- De-la-Mer
- Delaney
- Dempsey
- Denn
- Derenzy
- McDermott
- Devenish
- Devereux
- Dillon
- Dinan
- Dixon
- Dobbin
- Doddington
- O'Doherty
- Dolphin
- Donellan
- Dongan
- MacDonnell
- O'Donnell
- Donnelly
- O'Donoghue
- O'Donovan
- McDonough
- Donworth
- Doran
- Dormer
- Dorrington
- Douglas
- O'Dowd
- Dowdall
- Dowell
- Dowling
- Doyle
- Drake
- Draycott
- O'Driscoll
- Duckenfield
- Duff
- Duigin
- Duignan
- Dulhunty
- Dunn
- Dwyer
- Eccleston
- Edgeworth
- Edwards
- Egan
- MacEllicott
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Ennis
- Esmonde
- Eustace
- Evans
- Everard
- Evers
- Eyre
- Fagan
- Fahy
- Fallon
- O'Falvey
- Fanning
- Fay
- Fennell
- O'Ferrall
- Ferriter
- Fielding
- Fisher
- Fitton
- FitzEustace
- FitzGerald
- FitzGibbon
- FitzHarris
- FitzJames
- FitzMaurice
- FitzPatrick
- FitzWilliam
- O'Fflahertie
- Fleming
- Flynn
- Ford
- Fox
- French
- Fullerton
- Furlong
- Gafney
- O'Gallagher
- Galwey
- O'Gara
- Garvey
- Gaydon
- DeGeneville
- Geoghegan
- Geraghty
- Gernon
- McGettigan
- Gibbons
- Gifford
- McGill
- McGillycuddy
- Gilmor
- DeGinkle
- O'Glorney
- Gore
- O'Gormican
- Gould
- Grace
- Grady
- Grant
- Greene
- Griffin
- Hackett
- Hadsor
- O'Hagan
- Hagarty
- Haly
- Hamilton
- Handcock
- O'Hanlon
- O'Hara
- Harding
- Hardman
- Harrold
- Haughton
- O'Hea
- Head
- Hearne
- Heffernan
- O'Hehir
- Henessy
- Herbert
- Hewetson
- Hickson
- Higgins
- Hill
- Hoey
- Hogan
- Hollywood
- Horan
- Hore
- Howley
- Hurley
- Hussey
- Hyde
- Hynes
- Jennings
- Jermyn (Lord Dover)
- St. John
- Johnston
- Jordan
- Joyce
- Keane
- Kearney
- Keatinge
- O'Keeffe
- O'Keeley
- Kehoe
- O'Kelly
- Kennedy
- Kenney
- McKey
- Kindelan
- King
- Kinselagh
- Kirke
- Kirwan
- Knaresborough
- Kyan or O'Cahane
- Lacey
- Laffan
- Lally
- Lambert
- DeLausun
- Lawless
- O'Leary
- Ledwich
- Leicester
- Leigh, Lee
- Leonard
- Lavallin
- Levison
- Leyns
- Lilly
- Lloyd
- Loftus
- Lombard
- Loughnan
- Lowe
- Lucas
- Lundy
- Luttrell
- Lynch
- O'Lyne
- Lyons
- Lysaght
- MacCabe
- MacCann
- MacCartane
- MacCarthy
- MacGill
- MacGuinness
- MacGwire
- MacKenzie
- MacMahon
- MacManus
- MacNamara
- Madden
- Magrath
- Mahon
- O'Mahony
- Maley or O'Mailley
- Malone
- Mandeville
- Manning
- Mansfield
- Mapas
- Marlborough, Duke
- Martin
- Massy
- Masterson
- Matthews and Matthew
- Mannsell
- Maxwell
- Maynwaring
- Meade
- O'Meagher
- O'Meara
- O'Melaghlin
- Moclare
- Moffett
- Moloney
- Mooney
- Moore
- O'More
- Morgan
- Morley
- Morres
- Morrow
- The section of surnames beginning with S has been cut off
- The first name or two has been cut off, it continues as follows
- Taylor
- Terry
- DeTessé
- Tipper
- Tobin
- O'Toole
- Touchett
- Townley
- Trant
- Trench
- Tuite
- Tully
- Turner
- Tyrrell
- Usher
- D'Usson
- Verdon
- Wadding
- Wale
- Wall
- Walsh
- Ware
- Warren
- Wauchop
- Weaver
- Webber
- Weldon
- White
- Whitehead
- Williams
- Wingfield
- Winston
- Wogan
- Wolseley
- Wolverston
- Wood
- Woulfe
- Wray
- Wyer
- Wynne
- ↑ Illustrations, historical and genealogical, of King James's Irish army list, 1689 by John D'Alton
The original article can be found at The Families in King James II's Irish Army and the edit history here.