Military Wiki
Reserve Division of Nanchang (1984-85)
Reserve Infantry Division of Nanchang (1985-99)
Reserve Infantry Division of Jiangxi (1999–)
Active 1984.6 -
Country People's Republic of China
Branch People's Liberation Army
Role Infantry
Size Division
Part of Jiangxi Provincial Military District
Garrison/HQ Nanchang, Jiangxi

The Reserve Infantry Division of Jiangxi(Chinese: 江西陆军预备役步兵师) is a reserve infantry formation of the People's Liberation Army.

The Reserve Division of Nanchang(Chinese: 南昌陆军预备役师) was activated in June 1984 at Nanchang, Jiangxi. [1] The division was then composed of 3 infantry regiments and 1 artillery regiment:

  • 1st Infantry Regiment - Fengcheng, Jiangxi
  • 2nd Infantry Regiment - Jinxian, Jiangxi
  • 3rd Infantry Regiment - Xinjian, Jiangxi
  • Artillery Regiment - Nanchang, Jiangxi[2]

In November 1985, the division was redesignated as the Reserve Infantry Division of Nanchang(Chinese: 南昌陆军预备役步兵师).

In September 1998, the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, Reserve Infantry Division of Nanchang was activated from the artillery regiment. In September 1999, the division was redesignated as the Reserve Infantry Division of Jiangxi.[3]

In 2004, the Artillery Regiment, Reserve Infantry Division of Jiangxi was reactivated.

By 2020 the division was composed of:

  • 1st Infantry Regiment - Yichun, Jiangxi[4]
  • 2nd Infantry Regiment - Ganzhou, Jiangxi[5]
  • 3rd Infantry Regiment - Jiujiang, Jiangxi
  • Artillery Regiment - Ji'an, Jiangxi[6]
  • Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment - Nanchang, Jiangxi.


  1. 锐意进取谋打赢 科学发展谱新篇——江西陆军预备役步兵师. 时代主人. 2009-08-05
  2. 江西省志·军事志. pp.1870
  3. 王健如; 张锋; 胡科. 发扬革命传统 争取更大光荣——江西陆军预备役步兵师掠影. 江西画报. 2007-06-15
  4. 江西省陆军预备役步兵师一团举行转服现役誓师大会, 搜狐网,
  5. 中国人民解放军江西陆军预备役步兵师第二团 忠诚实践“三个代表”重要思想铸就雄师劲旅积极适应军事变革发展要求苦练打赢本领. 江西政报. 2003-10-31
  6. 江西陆军预备役步兵师炮兵团组织快速动员集结演练, 吉安市人民政府,

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The original article can be found at Reserve Infantry Division of Jiangxi Provincial Military District and the edit history here.