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Military Wiki
Reserve Division of Chu County (1983-98)
Reserve Infantry Division of Anhui (1999–)
Active 1983.11 -
Country People's Republic of China
Branch People's Liberation Army
Role Infantry
Size Division
Part of Anhui Provincial Military District
Garrison/HQ Chuzhou, Anhui

The Reserve Infantry Division of Anhui Provincial Military District(Chinese: 安徽陆军预备役步兵师) is a reserve infantry formation of the People's Liberation Army.

The Reserve Infantry Division of Chu County(Chinese: 滁县陆军预备役步兵师) was activated on November 17, 1983, at Chu County, Anhui. The division was composed of 3 infantry regiments and 1 artillery regiment.[1]

In 1999 the division was reorganized as the Reserve Infantry Division of Anhui.[2] In September 1999, the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, Reserve Infantry Division of Anhui was activated from the inactivating 102nd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division.

The division was now composed of:

  • 1st Infantry Regiment - Fuyang, Anhui[3]
  • 2nd Infantry Regiment - Anqing, Anhui[4][5]
  • 3rd Infantry Regiment - Chaohu, Anhui[6]
  • Artillery Regiment - Chuzhou, Anhui[7]
  • Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment


  1. 安徽年鉴1988, 政治 军事 法制, 中国人民解放军滁县预备役步兵师, pp.363
  2. 王广安; 丁宏旺. 预备役部队风采——安徽某陆军预备役步兵师. 国防. 2009-02-15
  3. 市供水总公司参加安徽陆军预备役步兵师第1团2019年度营属连、直属连组织整顿点验大会, 阜阳供水,
  4. 全国防汛抗旱先进集体和先进个人名单, 中华人民共和国中央人民政府,
  5. 市中心血站“八一”慰问武警预备役部队官兵, 安庆红十字中心血站,
  6. 【抗洪一线的共产党员】刘安军 倒在抗洪一线的年轻“老兵”, 共产党员网,
  7. 滁州水文局“八一”前夕走访慰问共建部队, 安徽省水利厅,

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The original article can be found at Reserve Infantry Division of Anhui Provincial Military District and the edit history here.