Military Wiki
RGO hand grenade.
RGO defensive grenade Navy
RGO hand grenade.
Type Hand grenade
Place of origin Russia
Mass 520 to 530 g
Length 114 mm
Diameter 60 mm

Filling A-IX-1 (96% RDX phlegmatized with 4% wax)
Filling weight 90 g
UDZS Impact fuze arming after 1 to 1.8 seconds or time delay after 3.2 to 4.2 seconds.

The RGO hand grenade (Ruchnaya Granata Oboronitel'naya) is a defensive Russian fragmentation hand grenade. It consists of a double layered steel pre-fragmented body. It is very similar to the single-layered offensive/defensive aluminium-bodied RGN hand grenade. It uses the UDZS dual action fuze, which has both impact and time delay functions. The impact fuze arms after a pyrotechnic delay of 1 to 1.8 seconds. If the impact fuze has not triggered the grenade after 3.2 to 4.2 seconds a second pyrotechnic delay triggers the grenade. The fragments produced by the grenade generate a lethal radius of between 6 metres (20 ft) and 20 metres (66 ft), with the safety radius being 100 metres (330 ft). The grenade is still in production in Russia and Ukraine and is in service with a number of countries.


See also[]

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