Operation Relex is the name given to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) border protection operation in the country's northern approaches conducted between 2001 and 2006. The operation was instigated following the Tampa affair in September 2001 and its focus was on illegal immigration. Assets of all three services of the ADF were committed to the operation to prevent the arrival of Suspected Illegal Entry Vessels (SIEV) in the Australian migration zone.
The primary period of activity of Operation Relex was between October and December 2001 when ten SIEV were intercepted by HMA Ships Warramunga, Arunta and Leeuwin assisted by several Fremantle Class Patrol Boats.
More details on the non-military aspects of this operation are contained in the MV Tampa entry. Operation Relex was folded into the broader border protection activity named Operation Resolute which commenced in July 2006.
In 2013, the Abbott Government implemented Operation Sovereign Borders.
Australian Department of Defence [1]
The original article can be found at Operation Relex and the edit history here.