The mission of the United States Navy Navy Warfare Development Command (NWDC) is stated thus: "NWDC serves as the Navy’s champion for the rapid generation and development of innovative, game changing solutions in concepts and doctrine to enhance maritime capability at the operational level across the full spectrum and enable seamless integration in the joint and coalition arena." NWDC is currently located at Naval Station Norfolk, VA.
The NWDC team has role in planning the future of the Navy, not only in the tactical realm, but also at the operational and strategic levels. As the Executive Agent for Navy’s Concept Generation and Concept Development, we are home to innovations launching today’s Navy into the future.[Clarification needed]
NWDC is the Navy’s premier expert for the development and integration of capability at the operational level, shaping current and future force employment through five core competencies: innovation in concept generation and development, design and execution of experimentation and exercises, forward leaning modeling and simulation, dynamic lessons learned, and authoritative doctrine. The combination of these competencies is unique to NWDC.
The Chief of Naval Operations established the Navy Warfare Development Command in 1998. NWDC coordinates the development of concepts of operations, doctrine, experimentation, and lessons learned in direct support of the Fleet. The command also provides cutting-edge modeling and simulation for training, experimentation, and focused analysis.
Concept Generation and Concept Development (CGCD) Program[]
CNO initiated the CGCD program to encourage a culture of innovation throughout the Navy and to gather ideas on ways to address current and future warfighting gaps to inform investment decisions and develop full capability across doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) spectrum.
External links[]
The original article can be found at Navy Warfare Development Command and the edit history here.