Luftflotte 4 [1] (Air Fleet 4) was one of the primary divisions of the German Luftwaffe in World War II . It was formed on March 18, 1939 from Luftwaffenkommando Österreich in Vienna. The Luftflotte was redesignated on April 21, 1945 to Luftwaffenkommando 4, and became subordinated to Luftflotte 6 . It was the Luftflotte 4, which was responsible for the bombing campaign of Stalingrad, where ca. 40000 civilians died. This Luftwaffe Detachment was based in Romania , Bulgaria, Southeast Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and Russian occupied territories, for supporting Axis forces ; with command offices in Morczyn , Hungary, during June 26, 1944, Eastern Front.
see Organization of the Luftwaffe (1933–1945) for explanation of abbreviations used below.
Strategic reconnaissance [ ]
2.(F)/11 (Jasionka )
2.(F)/22 (Focşani )
2.(F)/100 (Lublin)
Transports (special duties) [ ]
14 St./Transportgeshwader 4 (Odessa)
I. Fliegerkorps (I. Air Corps) Focşani [ ]
Strategic Reconnaissance [ ]
3.(F)/121 (Ziliştea )
NSt.1 (Focşani )
Tactical reconnaissance [ ]
2/NAGr.16 (Chişinău)
Stab/NAGr.14(Comrat )
1./NAGr.14 (Comrat )
2./NAGr.14 (Bacău)
Maritime reconnaissance [ ]
Stab/FAGr.125(See) (Constanţa)
1.(F)/125 (See) (Varna, Bulgaria)
3.(F)/125 (See) (Mamaia )
(Rum)A.St.22/1 (Ciocârlia , Romania)
(Rum)101.A.St. (Mamaia )
(Bulg)See. A.St.(Varna, Bulgaria)
Fighters [ ]
Stab/JG.52 (Manzar )
I./JG.52 (Leipzig, Romania)
II./JG.52 (Manzar )
III./JG.52 (Roman )
15(Kroat)/JG.52 (Ziliştea )
Land air strike [ ]
Stab/SG.2 (Huşi)
I./SG.2 (Huşi)
II./SG.2 (Ziliştea )
III./SG.2 (Huşi)
II./SG.10 (Culm )
10.(Pz)/SG.2 (Trotuş )
14.(Pz)/SG.2 (Trotuş )
Night land attack [ ]
Stab/NSGr.5 (Manzar )
1./NSGr.5 (Roman )
2./NSGr.5 (Chişinău)
3./NSGr.5 (Chişinău)
Bombers (medium) [ ]
VIII.Fliegerkorps (VIII Air Corps) Lubien Poland [ ]
Strategic reconnaissance [ ]
2.(F)/11 (Jasionka )
2.(F)/100 (Lubin )
Tactical reconnaissance [ ]
Stab/NAGr.2(Strunybaby )
1./NAGr.2(Strunybaby )
2./NAGr.2(Strunybaby )
Land air strike [ ]
Stab IV(Pz)/SG.9 (Lisiatycze )
12.(Pz)/SG.9 (Strunybaby )
13.(Pz)/SG.9(Lisiatycze )
Stab./SG.77 (Jasionka )
I./SG.77 (Jasionka )
II./SG.77(Lemberg )
III./SG.77(Cuniov )
10.(Pz)/SG.77(Starzava )
(Ung)S.St. G.102/1(Cuniov )
(Ung)(101 C.O.)St. G.101(Borgond -Balaton)
Night land attack [ ]
Stab/NSGr.4 (Hordinia )
1./NSGr.4 (Hordinia )
Bombers [ ]
Fliegerfuhrer 102 Ungarn (102 Air Direction in Hungary)Labunia [ ]
Tactical Reconnaissance [ ]
(Ung)N.A.St.102/1 (Labunia )
7./NAGr.32 (Labunia )
Fighters [ ]
Bombers [ ]
(Ung)K.St.102/1 (Klemensova )
Rapid bombers [ ]
(Ung)SK.St.102/1 (Klemensova )
Romanien I Fliegerkorps (I Romanian Air Corps) Tecuci [ ]
Strategic/tactical reconnaissance [ ]
(Rum)2.(F) A.St. (Iveşti disambiguation needed )
(Rum)102 A.St. (Vilkov )
Fighters [ ]
(Rum)II./JG.3 (Bacău)
(Rum)65./J.St. (Bacău)
(Rum)66./J.St. (Bacău)
(Rum)67./J.St. (Bacău)
Stab(Rum) IV.JGr.45 (Ianca )
(Rum).45 J.St. (Ianca )
(Rum).46 J.St. (Ianca )
(Rum).49 J.St. (Ianca )
(Rum).IX JGr. (Tecuci )
(Rum).47 J.St.(Tecuci )
(Rum).48 J.St.(Tecuci )
(Rum).56 J.St.(Tecuci )
Tactical support (dive bombers) [ ]
(Rum)StG.3 (Călimăneşti ?) StG is Sturzkampfgeschwader , dive bombers
(Rum)StG.4 (Huşi)
(Rum)StG.8 (Matca )
(Rum)(G.P.)StG.3 (Cioara -Dolceşti )
Bombers [ ]
(Rum)KG.2 (Ţăndărei )
(Rum)KG.4 (Ţăndărei )
(Rum)76 K.St.(Ianca )
(Rum)78 K.St.(Ianca )
(Rum)V KGr. (Iveşti disambiguation needed )
(Rum)K.St.1/3 (Ciocârlia disambiguation needed )
Kom. Gen.d.dtsch. Lw.i. Rum (general in chief of German Air Force in Romania) Bucharest [ ]
Jagdabschnittsfuhrer Rum. (chief of sector fighters of Romania) Bucharest [ ]
Fighters [ ]
I./JG.53 (Târgşorul-Nou )
III./JG.77 (Mizil )
(Rum)I./JG.2 (Roşiori )
(Rum)43. J.St.(Roşiori )
(Rum)63.J.St.(Roşiori )
(Rum)64.J.St.(Roşiori )
(Rum)VII JGr.(Popești-Leordeni )
(Rum)59./VII JGr.(Popești-Leordeni )
(Rum)61./VII JGr.(Popești-Leordeni )
(Rum)62./VII JGr.(Popești-Leordeni )
(Rum)VII.JGr. (Boteni )
(Rum)53./VII.J.St (Boteni )
(Rum)57./VII.J.St.(Boteni )
(Rum)51.J.St. (Ţepeş Vodă disambiguation needed )
(Rum)52.J.St. (Mamaia )
(Rum)58.J.St. (Pipera )
Night fighters [ ]
10./NJG.6 (Otopeni-Bucharest)
12./NJG.6 (Otopeni-Bucharest)
11./(Detach)NJG.100 (Otopeni-Bucharest)
4./(N)JG.301 (Mizil )
6./(N)JG.301 (Târgşorul-Nou )
(Rum)1./NJ.St. (Otopeni-Bucharest)
Commanding officers [ ]
Flag for the Chief of a Luftflotte
Chief of staff [ ]
Herbert Olbricht
Oberst Günther Korten , 18 March 1939 – 19 December 1939
Oberst Herbert Olbrich , 19 December 1939 – 21 July 1940
Obstlt Andreas Nielsen, 21 July 1940 – 3 November 1940
Oberst Richard Schimpf, 4 November 1940 – 15 January 1941
Generalleutnant Günther Korten , 15 January 1941 – 12 August 1942
Oberst Hans-Detlef Herhudt von Rohden, 24 August 1942 – 23 February 1943
Oberst Karl-Heinrich Schulz , 1 March 1943 – 25 March 1943
General Otto Deßloch , 26 March 1943 – 3 September 1943
Generalmajor Karl-Heinrich Schulz, 3 September 1943 – 21 April 1945
References [ ]