Battle or Campaign
Order of Battle
Battle of Hoke's Run
Confederate Army of the Shenandoah and Union Army of the Shenandoah
July 2, 1861
Battle of Carthage (1861)
Confederate Missouri State Guard and Union Department of Missouri
July 5, 1861
Battle of Rich Mountain
Confederate Army of the Northwest and Union Department of the Ohio
July 11, 1861
First Battle of Bull Run
Confederate Army of the Potomac and Army of the Shenandoah and Union Department of Northeast Virginia
July 21, 1861
Battle of Wilson's Creek
Confederate Western Army and Missouri State Guard and Union Army of the West
August 10, 1861
Battle of Carnifex Ferry
Confederate Forces and Union Army of West Virginia
September 10, 1861
Battle of Ball's Bluff
Confederate Army of the Potomac and Union Army of the Potomac
October 20–24, 1861
Battle of Camp Wildcat
Confederate brigade, Army of the Northwest and Union Department of the Ohio
October 21, 1861
Battle of Belmont
Confederate First Division, Western Department & Units in reserve or near Columbus and U.S. Grant's Expeditionary Command, Union District of Southeast Missouri & Units subject to Grant's command
November 7, 1861
Battle of Mill Springs
Confederate Army and Union Department of the Ohio
January 19, 1862
Battle of Roanoke Island
Confederate Dist. of Roanoke & "Mosquito Fleet" and Union Coast Division & North Atlantic Blockading Squadron
February 7–8, 1862
Battle of Fort Donelson
Confederate Department No. 2 and Union Army of West Tennessee
February 11 – 16, 1862
Battle of Island Number Ten
Confederate Department No. 2 and Union Army of the Mississippi & Western Flotilla
February 28, 1862 – April 8, 1862
Battle of Pea Ridge
Confederate Army of the West and Union Army of the Southwest
March 7–8, 1862
Battle of Hampton Roads
Confederate CCS Virginia & James River Squadron and Union North Atlantic Blockading Squadron
March 8–9, 1862
Battle of New Bern
Coast Division of the US Army and Confederate Pamlico District, Department of North Carolina
March 14, 1862
Battle of Kernstown I
Confederate Valley District and Union 1st Division, V Corps, Army of the Potomac
March 23, 1862
Battle of Glorieta Pass
Confederate Army of New Mexico and Union Department of New Mexico
March 26–28, 1862
Beginning of the Peninsula Campaign
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia & Other Troops in the Department of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac, Other Troops from the Department of the Potomac & Union Department of Virginia
April 4–30, 1862
Battle of Shiloh
Confederate Army of Mississippi and Union Army of the Tennessee and Army of the Ohio
April 6–7, 1862
Siege of Corinth
Confederate Army of Mississippi and Union Department of the Mississippi
April 29 – May 30, 1862
Battle of Williamsburg
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
May 5, 1862
Battle of McDowell
Confederate District of the Valley Army and Army of the Northwest and Union Mountain Department
May 8 – 9, 1862
First Battle of Winchester
Confederate District of the Valley and Union Department of the Shenandoah
May 25, 1862
Battle of Hanover Court House
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
May 27, 1862
Battle of Cross Keys
Confederate District of the Valley and Union Mountain Department and Department of the Rappahannock
June 8, 1862
Battle of Port Republic
Confederate District of the Valley and Union Department of the Rappahannock
June 9, 1862
Seven Days Battles
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
June 25 – July 1, 1862
Battle of Cedar Mountain
Confederate Left wing, Army of Northern Virginia and Union I Corps, Army of Virginia
August 9, 1862
Battle of Richmond
Confederate Army of Kentucky and Union Provisional Army of Kentucky
August 29 – 30, 1862
Second Battle of Bull Run
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of Virginia and detachments, Army of the Potomac
August 29–30, 1862
Battle of Chantilly
Confederate Left wing, Army of Northern Virginia and Union III and IV Corps, Army of the Potomac
September 1, 1862
Battle of Antietam
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
September 17, 1862
Battle of Iuka
Confederate Army of the West and Union Army of the Mississippi
September 19, 1862
Second Battle of Corinth
Confederate Army of West Tennessee and Union Army of the Mississippi
October 3 – 4, 1862
Battle of Perryville
Confederate Army of the Mississippi and Union Army of the Ohio
October 8, 1862
Battle of Prairie Grove
Confederate I Corps, Trans-Mississippi Army and Union Army of the Frontier
December 7, 1862
Battle of Fredericksburg
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
December 13, 1862
Battle of Chickasaw Bayou
Confederate Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana and Union Army of the Tennessee
December 26–29, 1862
Battle of Stones River
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Army of the Cumberland
December 31, 1862 – January 2, 1863
Battle of Fort Hindman
Confederate Department of the Trans-Mississippi and Union Army of the Mississippi
January 9–11, 1863
Siege of Suffolk
Confederate Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia and Union Department of Virginia & VII Corps and North Atlantic Blockading Squadron
April 11 – May 4, 1863
Battle of Chancellorsville
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
May 1–4, 1863
Battle of Raymond
Confederate Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana and Union Army of the Tennessee
May 12, 1863
Battle of Champion Hill
Confederate Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana and Union Army of the Tennessee
May 16, 1863
Battle of Vicksburg
Confederate Army of Mississippi and Union Army of the Tennessee
May 18 – July 4, 1863
Siege of Port Hudson
Confederate Department of Mississippi & East Louisiana and Union Army of the Gulf & West Gulf Blockading Squadron
May 22, 1863 – July 9, 1863
Battle of Brandy Station
Confederate Cavalry Division, Army of Northern Virginia and Union Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac
June 9, 1863
Battle of Winchester II
Confederate Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia and Union 2nd division, VIII Corps
June 13–15, 1863
Battle of Gettysburg
Confederate Army of North Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
July 1–3, 1863
Battle of Helena
Confederate District of Arkansas and Union District of East Arkansas
July 4, 1863
Second Battle of Charleston Harbor
Confederate Dept. of South Carolina, Georgia & Florida and Union Department of the South & South Atlantic Blockading Squadron
July 19, 1863 – September 7, 1863
Battle of Chickamauga
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Army of the Cumberland
September 19–20, 1863
Bristoe Campaign
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
October to November, 1863
Chattanooga Campaign
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Army of the Cumberland
October to November, 1863
Battle of Wauhatchie
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Army of the Cumberland
October 28 to 29, 1863
Battle of Mine Run
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
November 27 - December 2, 1863
Knoxville Campaign
Confederate First Corps, Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Ohio
November 16 - December 13, 1863
Battle of Olustee
Confederate District of East Florida and Union District of Florida
February 20, 1864
Camden Expedition
Confederate District of Arkansas, Trans-Mississippi Department and Union Department of Arkansas
March 23 - May 2, 1864
Battle of the Wilderness
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac and IX Corps
May 5–7, 1864
Atlanta Campaign – Battle of Rocky Face Ridge, Battle of Resaca, Battle of Adairsville, Battle of New Hope Church, Battle of Dallas, Battle of Pickett's Mill, Battle of Marietta, Battle of Kolb's Farm, Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Army of the Cumberland, Army of the Tennessee, and Army of the Ohio
May 7 – June 27, 1864
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac and IX Corps
May 8–21, 1864
Battle of Dallas
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Army of the Tennessee
May 26 – June 1, 1864
Battle of Cold Harbor
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
May 31 – June 12, 1864
Battle of New Market
Confederate Department of Western Virginia and Union Department of West Virginia
May 15, 1864
Battle of Piedmont
Confederate Department of Southwest Virginia and East Tennessee and Union Department of West Virginia
June 5, 1864
Siege of Petersburg
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Department of Richmond and Union Army of the Potomac and Army of the James
June 9, 1864 – March 25, 1865
Battle of Trevilian Station
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia Cavalry Corps and Union Army of the Potomac Cavalry Corps
June 11, 1864 – June 12, 1864
Second Battle of Petersburg
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Armies of the Potomac and the James
June 15–18, 1864
Battle of Monocacy Junction
Confederate Army of the Valley District and Union Middle Department
July 9, 1864
Battle of Fort Stevens
Confederate Army of the Valley District and Union Department of Washington
July 11 – 12, 1864
Battle of Peachtree Creek
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Army of the Cumberland
July 20, 1864
Battle of Atlanta
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Military Division of the Mississippi
July 22, 1864
Battle of Kernstown II
Confederate Army of the Valley District and Union Army of West Virginia
July 24, 1864
First Battle of Deep Bottom
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Armies of the Potomac and the James
July 27–29, 1864
Battle of the Crater
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Armies of the Potomac and the James
July 30, 1864
Second Battle of Deep Bottom
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
August 14 to 20, 1864
Battle of Globe Tavern
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
August 18 – 21, 1864
Battle of Mobile Bay
Confederate District of the Gulf & CSS Tennessee with gunboats and Union Military Division of West Mississippi & West Gulf Blocking Squadron
August 22 – 23, 1864
Second Battle of Ream's Station
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
August 25, 1864
Battle of Jonesborough
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Military Division of the Mississippi
August 30-September 1, 1864
Battle of Opequon
Confederate Army of the Valley and Union Army of the Shenandoah
September 19, 1864
Battle of Chaffin's Farm
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the James
September 29 – 30, 1864
Battle of Peebles's Farm
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
September 30 - October 2, 1864
Battle of Darbytown and New Market Roads
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the James
October 7, 1864
Battle of Darbytown Road
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the James
October 13, 1864]]
Battle of Cedar Creek
Confederate Army of the Valley and Union Army of the Shenandoah
October 19, 1864
Battle of Westport
Confederate Army of Missouri and Union Army of the Border, Army of the Department of Missouri, and XVI Corps
October 23, 1864
Battle of Mine Creek
Confederate Army of Missouri and Union Army of the Border
October 25, 1864
Battle of Boydton Plank Road
Confederate Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
October 27 – 28, 1864
Battle of Fair Oaks & Darbytown Road
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the James
October 27 – 28, 1864
Battle of Franklin II
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union IV and XXIII Corps
November 30, 1864
Battle of Nashville
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Army of the Cumberland
December 15–16, 1864
Carolinas Campaign
Confederate Army of Tennessee and Union Military Division of the Mississippi
January to April, 1865
Battle of Wilmington
Confederate Department of North Carolina and Union Department of North Carolina, Wilmington Expeditionary Force
February 11 – 12, 1865
Battle of Wyse Fork
Confederate Department of North Carolina and Union Department of North Carolina
March 7–10, 1865
Battle of Bentonville
Confederate Army of the South and Union Grand Army of the West
March 19 – 21, 1865
Battle of Fort Stedman
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac
March 25, 1865
Appomattox Campaign
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Union Army of the Potomac, Army of the James, and Army of the Shenandoah
March 29 - April 9, 1865
Battle of Fort Blakely
Confederate Department of Mississippi, Alabama, and East Louisiana and Union Army of West Mississippi
April 2 – 9, 1865