This list is about military units. For other units, see:
- 25eme Regiment de Reconnaissance (25th reconnaissance regiment)
- Batallion des Fusiliers Marins (Naval Commando Battalion)
- Plongeurs de combat (Combat Divers)
- 772nd and 782 Regiment des Fusiliers Commandos de l air (RFCA)
- Détachement Spécial d’Intervention
- 16th Special Forces Brigade
- Commando Battalion - (part of infantry division in Kabinda)
- Agrupación de Fuerzas de Operaciones Especiales
- Tropas de Operaciones Especiales de Montaña
- Compañía de Cazadores de Montaña 6
- Compañía de Cazadores de Montaña 8
- Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos
- Comando de la Infantería de Marina
- 23rd Spetsnaz Regiment (6 battalions)
- Special Forces battalion (ex 797th OtSpN)
- Counter-terrorism unit "Alpha"
- 1st Commando Regiment[1][2]
- 2nd Commando Regiment
Incorporates the role of Tactical Assault Group (East) - Special Air Service Regiment (SASR)[1]
Incorporates the role of Tactical Assault Group (West) - Special Operations Engineer Regiment
- 641st Special Warfare Naval Unit
- 555th Spetsnaz brigade
- independent airborne brigade(stationed in Ganja)
- 3rd special intelligence/recon brigade
- Special Forces of the Bahamas
- Special operations unit (Naval commando type unit)
- Special Forces Battalion
- Bangladesh Army
- President Guard Regiment, presidential and VVIP security
- Special Services Wing, details classified
- Para Commandos 1,2,3 Para Commando Battalion
- Black Eagle Battalion
- Bangladesh Navy
- Special Warfare Diving and Salvage, Naval Special Force. Consist of SEAL, UDT and Salvage.
- ODD 71, details classified (possibly Submarine launched Demolition Divers)
- Border Guards Bangladesh
- SPEGUARDS, Special Guards (BGB's)- Night capable Surveillance and Special Sniper Platoons.
- Special Operations Company
- 5th Separate Spetznaz Brigade
- Special Forces Group[6][7]
- Pathfinders
- Belize Special Assignment Group(B-SAG)
- 1er Bataillon Commando Parachutiste( 1 BCP)
- Fuerza de Tarea "Diablos Azules" (FTDA) (River commando group)
- 17th, 24th and 27th Ranger Regiment (Satinadores)
Bosnia and Herzegovina[]
- 1st Commando Regiment
- Para-SAR – Special Pararescue Unit - Highly trained paratrooper, trained in evasion and extraction, tactical rescue and survival in hostile environment.
- Brazilian Special Operations Brigade – Brazilian Army Special Forces and Commandos
- COMANF – Amphibian Commando - Brazilian Marine Corps Commandos who are attached to the Especial Operations Battalion, the Batalhão Tonelero.
- GRUMEC - Combat Divers Group - Unconventional warfare, counter-terrorism and special reconnaissance at sea and seashore.
- Royal Brunei Land Forces
- Special Forces Regiment
- Royal Brunei Navy
- Special Combat Squadron
- 63rd Maritime Special Reconnaissance Force "Black Sea Sharks"
Burkina Faso[]
- 1er compagnie d infanterie commando (commando coy in Republican Guard)
- 23e Regiment Infanterie Commando (23e RIC)
- 25e Regiment Parachutiste Commando (25e RPC)
- Compagnie des palmeurs combat (COPALCO/naval commando coy)
- Bamenda Fusiliers Commandos de l air (BAFUSCO AIR)
- 911 Special Forces Regiment
- National Counter Terrorism Special Forces(NCTSF/ CT detachment)
- B-70(CT unit)
- 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (427 SOAS)[8]
- Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (CJIRU)[9]
- Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)[10]
- Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2)[11]
- Anti Terrorism Unit(Commando Battalion)
- Grupo de Fuerzas Especiales (Special Forces Group)
- Agrupación Antisecuestros Aéreos (Air Counter-Terrorism Group)
- Comandos de Aviación (Aviation Commandos)
- Paracaidistas de Busqueda, Salvamento y Rescate (Parachute Search, Rescue and Recovery)
- Brigada de Operaciones Especiales "Lautaro"
- 1º Batallón de Paracaidistas "Pelantaru" (1st Parachute Battalion "Pelantaru")
- 1º Compañía de Comandos "Iquique" (1st Commandos Company "Iquique")
- 10º Compañía de Comandos (10th Commandos Company)
- 13º Compañía de Comandos "Escorpión" (13th Commandos Company "Escorpión")
- Grupo Especial de Montaña (Special Group Mountain)
- Grupo de Abordaje y Registro de la Armada (GARA)
- Comando de Fuerzas Especiales (Special Forces Command)
- Buzos Tácticos de la Armada (Tactical Divers of the Navy)
- Equipo de Intervención Rápida (Rapid Intervention Team)
- People's Liberation Army Marine Corps Special Operations Forces
- People's Liberation Army Special Operations Forces[12]
- Guangzhou Military Region Special Forces Unit
- Chengdu Military Region Special Forces Unit, nicknamed "Falcon"
- Beijing Military Region Special Forces Unit
- Shenyang Military Region Special Forces Unit
- Nanjing Military Region Special Forces Unit, nicknamed "Flying Dragon"
- Nanjing Military Region Special Forces Unit, nicknamed "Oscar"
- Lanzhou Military Region Special Forces Unit
- Macau Quick Reaction Platoon
- 1st brigade of naval infantry (SF battalion, recon coy and diver platoon)
- 2nd brigade of naval infantry (SF battalion, recon coy and diver platoon)
- Zhong dui (battalion of naval commandos, SEAL type unit)
- Agrupación de Fuerzas Especiales Urbanas (AFEUR) Urban Special Forces Group
- Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales de Infantería de Marina (BFEIM)
- Grupo Especial de Reconocimiento y Asalto (GREAS)
- Grupo de Comandos Submarinos
- Unidad de Buceos Especiales del Norte (UBEN)
- Agrupación de Fuerzas Especiales Antiterroristas Urbanas (AFEAU) Anti-Terrorist Urban Special Forces Group. A joint service CT/Hostage rescue unit composed of Army, Navy, Air Force, and National Police Personnel.
- Agrupacion de Fuerzas Especiales Urbanas (AFEUR) Urban Special Forces Groups
- Batallon de Comandos (BACOA)
- Brigada Contra el Narcotráfico
- Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales
- Fuerza de Despliegue Rápido (FUDRA)
- Grupo de Acción Unificada por la Libertad Personal (GAULA). Special anti-kidnapping and anti-extortion units.
Costa Rica[]
- Unidad Especial de Intervención - Special Intervention Unit UEI attached to the Presidency
Republic of the Congo[]
- Groupement Para Commando(GPC)
- Fusiliers Commandos(FUSCO)
Democratic Republic of the Congo[]
- 322e Bataillon de Unite de Reaction Rapide (322nd rapid reaction battalion)
- 10eme brigade infanterie special(10th SF brigade)
- 7th commando brigade (Kamina)
Côte d'Ivoire[]
- 1er Bataillon de Parachutistes Commandos(1er BPC)
- Group des Forces Speciales (GFS)
- Fusiliers Commandos d Air (FUSCOA)
- Detachement d Intervention Rapide(DIR)
- Fusiliers Marins Commandos (FUMACO/ naval commandos)
- Special Operations Battalion (BSD) (Bojna za specijalna djelovanja)
- Military Intelligence Battalion (VOB) (Vojno-obavještajna bojna)
- Special Military Police Company (SSVP) (Satnija specijalne Vojne policije)
- Desembarco de Granma
- Formacion de Missiones Especial Naval
- Destacamento de Destino Especial Naval(DDEN)
- Black Wasps – Tropas Especiales Avispas Negras
- Special Forces Command (DKD)
- 31, 32, 33 and 34 MK(Moira/Monada Katadromon)
- Tmina Eidikon Omadwa(TEO/ special recon platoon)
- Underwater Demolition Command (OYK)
Czech Republic[]
- 102. Průzkumný Prapor (102nd Reconnaissance Battalion)
- 601st Special Forces Group
- 233rd CSAR squadron
- Danish Home Guard
- Jægerkorpset[14]
- Protection Team[14]
- Parachutiste Compagnie(para reconnaissance company)
Dominican Republic[]
- Fuerza Especializada de Comandos Navales
- Batallon de comandos
- Comando de Especial Antiterrorista
- 6th SF battalion
- 9th Special Forces Brigade PATRIA
- Army Counter-terror unit "GEO" Grupo de Operaciones Especiales, based in Quito.
- 24th, 25th,26th and 27th SFG
- CFE 5(5th SF company of 2nd division)
- CFE 1(1st SF coy of 7th division)
- CFE 7(7th coy of 3rd division)
- 54th special battalion(part of 19th infantry brigade)
- 60th special battalion(part of 21st infantry brigade)
- Ala de Combate No. 22(CSAR unit)
- Sai'qa Commando Regiments
- Special Forces
- Unit 777 Domestic Counter Terrorism
- Unit 999 International Counter Terrorism
- Unit 888 (CT detachment)
- Egyptian Navy SEALs
El Salvador[]
- Comando de Fuerzas Especiales (CFE) Special Forces Command
- Comando Especial Anti-Terrorista (CEAT) Counter-Terrorism Special Command
- Francotiradores (Snipers)
- Asalto (Assault)
- Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOE) Special Operations Group
- Comandos Hacha
- Patrullas de Reconocimiento y Alcance Largo (PRAL) Long Distance Recon Patrols
- Comandos Navales
- Nadadores de Combate (Combat Swimmers)
- Buzos de Combate (Combat Divers)
- Batallon de Paracaidistas (BP) Parachute Battalion
- Paracaidistas (Paratroopers)
- Caida Libre (Freefall HAHO/HALO)
- Aparejadores (Riggers)
- Comando Especial Anti-Terrorista (CEAT) Counter-Terrorism Special Command
- Destacamento Militar No 4 (DM4) 4th Military Detachment
- Comandos de Montana (Mountain Commandos)
- Salvadoran Navy
- Comandos Anfibios
- 525th commando division
- "Agazi" commando division
- 103rd commando division
- 205th/206th commando brigade
- Anti Terrorism Battalion
- ESOF(400 men detachment)
- Utti Jaeger Regiment
- Erikoisjääkärit Special Jaegers
- Laskuvarjojääkärit Airborne Jaegers
- Southeast Finland Border Guard District
- Erikoisrajajääkärit Special Border Jaegers
- Gulf of Finland Naval Military Command
- Raivaajasukeltajat EOD Divers
- Taistelusukeltajat Combat Divers
Almost all French special forces are attached to the Commandement des Opérations Spéciales (COS).
First circle:
- Bureau forces spéciales, reassembling :
- FKSOD special ops
- Commando parachutiste de l'Air n°10 (CPA 10)
- Escadrille spécialisée hélicoptères 1/67 Pyrénées, reassembling to escadron d'hélicoptères 1/67 Pyrénées
- Escadron de transport 3/61 Poitou
- Brigade des Forces Spéciales Terre:
- 1er Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RPIMa)
- 4e Régiment d'Hélicoptères des Forces Spéciales (4e RHFS)
- 13e Régiment de Dragons Parachutistes (13e RDP)
- Commandos-Marine:
- Commando Jaubert
- Commando Kieffer
- Commando de Montfort
- Commando de Penfentenyo
- Commando Trépel
- Commando Hubert
Second circle:
- 17e Régiment du Génie Parachutiste (17e RGP)
- Groupement des commandos parachutistes (GCP)
- Chuteurs opérationnels
The COS doesn't recognize the "second circle"; it's a popular expression employed by members of units of that circle. There isn't official text which mentions the second circle.
- Special Forces (part of Republican National Guard)
- 1er Regiment de Parachutistes Gabonais(1er RPG)
- Commandos Fusiliers Marins(COFUSMA)
- para commando coy(within Presidentiell Garde Unit)
- Georgian Armed Forces
- Special Forces Brigade
- Special Operations Battalion
- Rapid Response Battalion
- Naval Special Operations Group
- "Iverioni" Attack Battalion
- Support Battalion
- Special Forces Brigade
- Special Operations Division (Bundeswehr)
- Special Operations Force Air Rotary Wing
- Spezialisierte Einsatzkräfte Marine
- 1st Raider/Paratrooper Brigade (1η ΤΑΞΚΔ-ΑΛ) including ETA (Special Paratrooper Detachment)
- 13th Special Ops Command including Z' MAK (Zeta Amphibious Raider Squadron)
- 31st Special Operations Squadron (31 MEE)
- Airborne Force(ABF/parachute battalion)
- Special Forces Unit(SFU/SF detachment)
- Kaibiles
- Fuerzas Especiales Navales (FEN)
- Bataillon Special des Commandos(BSC)
- Bataillon Autonome des Troupes Aeroportees(BATA)
- Fusiliers de l air guineens(air force commando unit)
- Para-Commando Battalion
- Naval Infantry Battalion
- 31st SF squadron
- Primer Batallon de Fuerzas Especiales (1st SF battalion)
- 2do batallon de infanteria aerotransportada (2nd airborne battalion)
- Escuadron de Accion Directa (Direct action unit)
- Fuerza Especial Naval (FEN)
- HDF 34th ’László Bercsényi’ Special Operations Battalion
- 5/ 24th "Bornemisza Gergely" reconnaissance battalion
- 25/88th "Könnyű Vegyes" Zászlóalj(88th mixed/airborne battalion)
- Main article: Special Forces of India
- Special Forces (Airborne)
- Para Commandos[18]
- Ghatak Force
- MARCOS[19]
- National Security Guards
- Special Frontier Force
- Denjaka[citation needed]
- Kesatuan Gurita[23][24]
- Komando Pasukan Katak (Kopaska)[23][24]
- Taifib[citation needed]
- Takavar
- 21st and 22nd parachute commando divisions
- 23rd and 58th commando divisions
- 25th, 35th and 45th commando brigades
- commando brigade(stationed in Gorgan)
- commando brigade(stationed in Tabriz)
- 4th commando unit(stationed in Tehran)
- 65th special brigade(NOHED)
- Quds Force
- Saberin Unite
- Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF)
- Golden Company
- 1st SF brigade
- 2nd commando brigade(6th, 7th, 8th and 9th regional commando battalions)
- 1st naval commando battalion
- divers coy
- Duvdevan Unit, undercover unit
- Egoz Reconnaissance Unit
- Sayeret Maglan
- Sayeret Tzanhanim
- Sayeret Golani
- Sayeret Matkal[26]
- Sayeret Yahalom
- Oketz Unit, canine special forces unit
- Alpinist Unit, mountain warfare unit
- LOTAR Eilat - counter-terrorism unit
- Other
- Mista'arvim - alleged Israeli undercover units
- Kidon - alleged assassination unit
- 4th Alpini Parachutist (Ranger) Regiment "Monte Cervino"
- 9th Parachute Assault Regiment "Col Moschin"[29][31][33]
- 26th Special Operations Helicopter Unit "Giove"
- 185th Reconnaissance Target Acquisition Regiment "Folgore"
- Counter Terrorism Operations Group(C-TOG) "Ninja's"
- Jamaica Defence Force Military Intelligence Unit MIU
- Special Security Team (SST)
- Joint Special Operations Command
- 37th King Abdullah II Royal Special Forces Brigade
- 28th Prince Hussein Royal Rangers Brigade (Al-Saiqa)
- 5th Prince Hashim Special Operation Aviation Brigade
- 91st Airborne Orientation Battalion
- 81st Airborne Battalion
- 61st Special Reconnaissance Battalion [34]
- 30th Hussein Bin Ali Paratrooper Brigade
- 15th Khalid Bin Al-Waleed Airborne Battalion
- 16th King Faisal Airborne Battalion
- 20th Tariq Bin Zyad Airborne Battalion
- 77th Marines Reconnaissance Battalion
- Maritime Assault Team
- Maritime Counter-terrorism Unit
- Royal Jordanian Navy Frogman Team
- Royal Jordanian Navy Special Boat Unit
- 270th independent coy(VIP - protection)
- 4th recon battalion
- 261st Spetsnaz battalion
- 1st naval infantry battalion 55033(naval commando unit)
- Kokzhal(Wolves/ CT unit within Republican guard)
- Arystan(Eagles/ CT unit within KNB)
- Kenya Defence Forces
- Kenya army special operations forces(KSOF)
- 40th Ranger Strike Force battalion
- 30th special operations battalion
- 20th parachute battalion
- Clearance Diving Unit(CDU)
- GSU Recce Company (police/paramilitary SF unit)
Democratic People's Republic of Korea[]
- Special Operation Forces
- 17th,60th and 61st "sniper" reconnaissance brigade
- 7 independent reconnaissance battalions
- 23rd and 24th amphibious brigade
- naval commando/seaborne Unit 459, 632, 793 and 755
- 28th, 48th and 58th airborne brigades
- 80th, 81st, 82nd and 87th light infantry brigades
- 11th, 16th, 17th and 21st air force "sniper" brigades
- one light infantry brigade and one SF battalion per infantry division(27)
- 5 reconnaissance battalions and 4 light infantry brigades(mechanized corps)
- 4 reconnaissance battalions, 3 sniper brigades and 3 light brigades(1st,2nd,4th and 5th corps)
Republic of Korea[]
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- Defense Intelligence Command (DIC)
- Army Intelligence Command (AIC)
- Underwater Demolition Unit (UDU)
- 20th Special Service Group
- Defense Intelligence Command (DIC)
- Defense Security Command (DSC)
- Republic of Korea Air Force
- Combat Control Team (CCT)
- 6th Search and Rescue Group
- Republic of Korea Navy
- Naval Special Warfare Flotilla
- 1st Battalion
- Special Missions Battalion
- EOD unit
- Republic of Korea Marine Corps (ROKMC)
- 1st Special Reconnaissance Battalion
- Naval Special Warfare Flotilla
- 25th commando brigade
- naval infantry battalion
- combat divers unit
- SF unit(within National Guard)
- "Alpha" (CT specialist unit)
- 25th Spetsnaz brigade "Scorpions"
- 24th Spetsnaz brigade "Ilbirs" (Snow Leopards)
- "Cher"(Щер) (SF detachment of MIA[Clarification needed])
- "Panthers" (SF detachment of National Guard)
- Speciālo uzdevumu vienība (SUV)
- Lebanese Army
- Lebanese Commando Regiment (The Maghaweer)
- Lebanese Airborne Regiment
- Counter-Sabotage (Moukafaha) Branch and the Strike Force (Kouwa el-Dareba) Anti-Terrorism Branch
- Commando company
- 36th commando battalion(stationed in Benghazi) and commando battalion(Tripolis)
- naval commando detachment
- Anti-terrorism Force squad (ARAS)
- Combat Divers Service (CDS)
- Special Operations Element (SOG)
- Special Purpose Service (YPT)
- Vytautas the Great Jaeger Battalion (VGJB)
- Special operations regiment(SF and Ranger battalion)
- 501st para commando detachment
- 1er Regiment Forces d Intervention(RFI1/ parachute battalion)
- 2eme Regiment Forces d Intervention(RFI2/ naval commando coy)
- Grup Gerak Khas/Special Service Group (GGK/SSG)
- 11th Gerak Khas Regiment
- 21st Commandos
- 22nd Commandos
- L Echelon Tactique Interarme(ETIA/ SF battalion)
- 33eme Regiment Commando Parachutiste(33 RPC)
- Fusiliers de l air(air force commando detachment)
- Groupe Commando Volontaire(GCV/Commando detachment)
- Special Forces(CT unit)
- MNDF Marine Corps(rapid reaction coys)
- C (Special Duties) Company
- Rapid Deployment Team
- 1er Bataillon de Commandos Parachutistes(1er BCP)
- 2eme Bataillon de Commandos Parachutistes(2eme BCP)
- Bataillon de la Securite Presidentielle(BASEP)
- Bataillon Special d Intervention(BSI)
- Group Special d Intervention(GSI)
*Fuerzas Especiales del Alto Mando(FEAM). Santa Fe,Distrito Federal
Cuerpo de Fuerzas Especiales(CFE). Temamatla, Estado de México
*Primera Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales. Puebla, Puebla
- Primer Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(1/BFE). Puebla, Puebla
- Segundo Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(2/BFE). San Miguel de los Jagüeyes, Estado de México
- Tercer Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(3/BFE). San Miguel de los Jagüeyes, Estado de México
- Décimo Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(10/BFE). Temamatla, Estado de México
- Decimoprimer Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(11/BFE). Temamatla, Estado de México
*Segunda Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales. Tijuana, Baja California
- Quinto Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(5/BFE). Tijuana, Baja California
- Sexto Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(6/BFE). Nogales, Sonora
- Séptimo Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(7/BFE). Nogales, Sonora
- Octavo Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(8/BFE). Nogales, Sonora
- Primer Grupo Anfibio de Fuerzas Especiales(1/GANFE). San Felipe, Baja California
- Segundo Grupo Anfibio de Fuerzas Especiales(2/GANFE). Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur
- Tercer Grupo Anfibio de Fuerzas Especiales(3/GANFE). Esperanza, Sonora
*Tercera Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales. Cd.Ixtepec, Oaxaca
- Cuarto Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales(4/BFE). Cd.Ixtepec, Oaxaca
- Noveno Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales (9/BFE). San Juan Copular, Chiapas
- Fuerza de Intervención Rápida(FIR). San Juan Copular, Chiapas
- Cuarto Grupo Anfibio de Fuerzas Especiales(4/GANFE). Cancún, Quintana Roo
- Quinto Grupo Anfibio de Fuerzas Especiales(5/GANFE). Dzilam de Bravo, Yucatán
Fuerza Especial de la Brigada de Fusileros Paracaidistas (FE BFP). Lomas de Sotelo, Distrito Federal
Fuerza Especial de la Policia Militar(FE PM). Lomas de Sotelo, Distrito Federal
Primer Batallon de Operaciones Especieles de la Polica Militar (1/BOE). Lomas de Sotelo, Distrito Federal
Segundo Batallon de Operaciones Especieles de la Polica Militar (2/BOE). Lomas de Sotelo, Distrito Federal
Fuerzas Especiales (FES/Fuerza, Espitu y Sabiduria)
- Fuerza Especial Del Golfo
- Fuerza Especial Del Pacifico
- Mongolian Army
- 084th Special Task Battalion
- SF company
- Naval detachment(naval commando unit)
- Land Army:
- 3 Commandos : Units Cobra, Aigle and Tigre
- Royal Navy:
- 2 Battalions : Al Hoceima and El Ayoune
- Groupe d Intervention de la Marine Royale(GIMR)
- Royal Gendarmerie:
- Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie royale (G.I.G.R)
- 3 commando battalions
- Para Commando Division
- Special Operations Regiment (Naval Infantry Corps)
- 27 Intelligence Companies
- SF company(?)
- Shree Singha Nath Battalion (Commandos)
- Shree Bhairavnath Battalion (Para Commandos)
- Shree Mahabir Battalion (Rangers)
- Shree Yuddha Bhairav Battalion (Special Forces)
- Shree Yuddha Kavach Battalion (Special Forces C.T. Wing)
- Korps Commandotroepen (KCT)
- Vlucht 5 Special group of pilots that transport the KCT and NLMARSOF.
- Brigade Speciale Beveiligingsopdrachten (BSB) (Special Security Assignments Brigade)
New Zealand[]
- 122e compagnie parachutiste(122nd para coy stationed in Niamey)
- 322eme compagnie parachutiste(322nd para coy stationed in Maradi)
- Rapid reaction company(?)
- Nigerian Navy Special Boat Service (NNSBS)
- Nigerian Army 72 Special Forces Battalion
- Nigerian Army 176 Special Forces Battalion
- Nigerian Air Force Quick Response Force (QRF)
- Comando de Operaciones Especiales(COE)"General de Division Pedro Altamirano"(SF brigade)
- Destacamento de Operaciones Especiales de la Fuerza Naval(naval commando detachment)
- Sultans Special Forces
- Combat divers unit
- Parachute regiment
- 1st SF battalion
- Special Service Wing (SSW)
- Special Service Group (SSG)
- Special Response Force (SRF) was inducted in April 2012 to strengthen the security of strategic nuclear assets.[38]
- Special Service Group Navy (SSGN)
- Paramilitary
- Pakistan Rangers Anti Terrorist Wing was founded in 2004.Trained by Pakistan Special Service Group Zarrar Battalion and had several war games with British Special Air Service in Karachi.
- Frontier Force Regiment in order to battle the emerging threats from terrorism and insurgency,has raised a new Special Operations Force called the SOW | Special Operations Wing.
- Institutional Protection Service
- Batallon de Tropas Especiales
- Batallon Conjunto de Fuerzas Especiales(BCFE)
- CT coy(within Regimiento Guardia Presidencial)
- 1st Special Forces Brigade (1ra Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales)
- 3rd Special Forces Brigade (3ra Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales)Cuartel General del BCFE, Base Militar del Campo Grande, Asuncion, Paraguay
- 26th Special Forces Group "Quevedo"
- Special Forces Group "Puma"
- Fuerza de Operaciones Especiales
- Philippine CAFGU
- Civilian Para-Military Forces
- Wojska Specjalne
- Dowództwo Wojsk Specjalnych
- Jednostka Wojskowa Agat (JW Agat)
- Jednostka Wojskowa Formoza (JW Formoza)
- Jednostka Wojskowa Grom (JW Grom)
- Jednostka Wojskowa Komandosów (JW Komandosów)
- Jednostka Wojskowa Nil (JW Nil)
- 7 Eskadra Działań Specjalnych (7 eds) operational command only
- Dowództwo Wojsk Specjalnych
- 1st Special Forces Battalion
- Naval Special Forces Detachment
- Romanian Army:
- Regimentul 1 Operaţii Speciale (The Eagles)
- Detaşamentul de Intervenţie Rapidă, DIR[52]
- Special Operations Forces, subordinate directly to the MoD[53][54]
- TsSN "Senezh"[55]
- Russian Armed Forces
Saudi Arabia[]
- 1st Special Brigade
- 64th Brigade
- 66th Battalion
- 85th Battalion
- 88th Battalion
- 91th[Clarification needed] Battalion
- 99th Battalion
- 1st Airborne Brigade
- Royal Saudi Navy SEALs
- Saudi Arabian General Security
- Bataillon des Parachutistes (Para battalion)
- Batallion des Commandos (Commando battalion)
- Compagnie des fusiliers marins commandos (COFUMACO/naval commando coy)
- Groupement des fusiliers commandos d air (GROUFUAIR)
- Compagnie des forces speciales (CFS)
- Tazar Force (CT unit)
- Commando battalion
- Alpha commando detachment
Sierra Leone[]
- Force Reconnaissance Group(FRG)
- Enota za specialno delovanje (ESD/Special purpose unit)
- Vod protidiverzantskih potapljačev(Antidiversionary diver platoon,part of special underwater detachment)
South Africa[]
- Special Forces Brigade[57]
- 4th Special Forces Regiment
- 5th Special Forces Regiment
- Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial (FGNE) [59]
- Escuadrón de Zapadores Paracaidistas (EZAPAC)
Sri Lanka[]
- Special forces brigade(143rd and 144th SF battalion)
South Sudan[]
- Commando brigade
- Korps Special Troepen(KST/ SF coy)
- Swedish Royal Navy
- Kustjägarna (KJ)
- Attackdykare (A-dyk)
Kommando Spezialkräfte KSK (Special Forces Command)
Professional units
- Army Reconnaissance Detachment (ARD 10)[60][61]
- Militärpolizei Spezialdetachement (Military Police Special Detachment)
Militia units
- Grenadier Battalion 20
- Grenadier Battalion 30
- Grenadier Battalion 40 (Reserve)
- Fallschirmaufklärer Kompanie 17 (Parachute Reconnaissance Company 17)
- 14th "As Saiqa"division(1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th SF regiment)
- 15th SF division(35th,41st,45th,46th,47th and 53rd SF regiment)
- 555th parachute commando regiment(part of 4th division)
- 7 independent para SF regiments(HQ in Zabadani)
- 3 independent SF regiments(HQ in Damascus)
- CT detachment "Alpha"
- 7th air assault brigade of mobile forces
- Spetsnaz detachment(within National Guard)
- Special Warfare Division
- Marine Reconnaissance Battalion
- Royal Thai Air Force Commando Company
- Royal Thai Air Force Pararescue
Republic of China (Taiwan)[]
- 101st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion (ARB 101)
- Special Operation Command (862nd and 871st Special Operations Groups)
- Army Special Services Company (ASSC/CT unit)
- Amphibious Reconnaissance and Patrol Unit (ARPU)
- Underwater Demolition Unit (UDU)
- Special Service Company (SSC)
- Paratrooper Special Tactics unit
- Maritime Special Forces
- Regiment Commando de la Garde Presidentielle(RCGP)
- Regiment Parachutiste Commando(RPC)
- Fusiliers Marins Commandos(FUMACO/ naval commando coy)
Trinidad and Tobago[]
- SF section
- Naval SF section(size of platoon)
Tunisian Army[]
- Groupement Forces Spéciales (G.F.S/ "Army's Special Brigade")
- Groupement d'Intervention Militaire (G.I.M/ G.F.S's Elites)
- GFS Naval Commandos Unit
- GFS Combat Divers
- GFS Paratroopers
- Marine Corps Commandos
Tunisian National Guard[]
- Department of Anti-terrorism
- Unité Spéciale de la Garde Nationale (U.S.G.N/ "BS3")
- Unités Commandos de la Garde Nationale (U.C.G.N/ "BS2" and "BS1")
- Countering Terrorism Squad
Tunisian Presidency[]
- Groupe d'Intervention Présidentielle (G.I.P)
- Soutien Oppérationelle Présidentielle (S.O.P/ Also called "Groupes d'Appui")
- Groupe d'Intervention Maritime (diver, navy commandos)
Turkish General Staff[]
- Maroon Berets (known as "Bordo Bereliler")
Turkish Air Force[]
- Combat Search and Rescue (MAK)
- AKİP commandos
Turkish Gendarmerie[]
- Gendarmerie Commandos (Jandarma Özel Asayiş Komutanlığı – JÖAK)
- Gendarmerie Special Operations (Jandarma Özel Harekat – JÖH)
- CT detachment(within national security agency)
- 152nd air assault brigade(Spetsnaz brigade)
United Arab Emirates[]
- UAE Special Operations Command
- "Black Cobra" Commando Squad(CT platoon)
- Anti Terror Crack Unit
- Paratroop Unit(400 men)
- UPDF Marines
18 (UKSF) Signals Regiment
United Kingdom[]
- United Kingdom Special Forces
- Special Boat Service, Naval Service[62]
- Special Boat Service (Reserve), Naval Service[63]
- 21 Special Air Service (Reserve), British Army[64]
- 22 Special Air Service, British Army[65]
- 23 Special Air Service (Reserve), British Army[64]
- Special Reconnaissance Regiment, British Army[66]
- Special Forces Support Group[67]
- Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing[68]
- 3rd Separate Spetsnaz Regiment (stationed in Kirovograd)
- 8th Separate Spetsnaz Regiment (stationed in Khmelnitskyi)
- 10th Separate Spetsnaz Detachment (stationed in Kyiv)
- 801st Anti-diversionary Detachment (stationed in Sevastopol)
- 73rd Special Naval Center (73 MTSSN) (stationed in Ochakiv)
- "A" CT unit(within SBU)
- 14th parachute infantry battalion(SF unit)
- Compania de Operaciones Especiales(COE/CT coy)
United States[]
Joint Special Operations Command[]
Joint Special Operations Command
- Delta Force
- Intelligence Support Activity
- United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group
- 24th Special Tactics Squadron
United States Army[]
- United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)[69]
- U.S. Army Special Forces Command[69]
- 75th Ranger Regiment[69]
- 1st Ranger Battalion[69]
- 2nd Ranger Battalion[69]
- 3rd Ranger Battalion[69]
- Ranger Special Troops Battalion
- US Army Special Operations Aviation Command (ARSOAC)[69]
- 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment "Night Stalkers"[69]
- Special Operations Aviation Training Battalion[69]
- Systems Integration Management Office (SIMO)[69]
- US Army Special Operations Command Flight Detachment[69]
- Military Information Support Operations Command[69]
- 95th Civil Affairs Brigade[69]
- 528th Sustainment Brigade[69]
- Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC)[69]
- Naval Special Warfare Group 1: SEAL Teams 1, 3, 5, 7[69]
- Naval Special Warfare Group 2: SEAL Teams 2, 4, 8, 10[69]
- Naval Special Warfare Group 3: SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team 1[69]
- Naval Special Warfare Group 4: Special Boat Teams 12, 20, 22[69]
- Naval Special Warfare Group 10[69]
- Naval Special Warfare Group 11: SEAL Teams 17, 18 (Reserves)[69]
- Naval Special Warfare Center[69]
- United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group[69]
United States Air Force[]
- Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)[69]
- 1st Special Operations Wing[69]
- 24th Special Operations Wing[69]
- 27th Special Operations Wing[69]
- 193d Special Operations Wing (ANG)[69]
- 919th Special Operations Wing (AFR)[69]
- 352nd Special Operations Group[69]
- 353rd Special Operations Group[69]
- USAF Special Operations Training Center[69]
United States Marine Corps[]
- Rapid Reaction Brigade 7332
- Spetsnaz battalion(Within eastern military district)
- 17th air assault brigade 64411
- Spetsnaz detachment(Tashkent)
- Rapid reaction detachment "C"(CT unit)
- 4th parachute brigade
- 2nd Spetsnaz brigade(actually coy within National Guard)
- Special Operations Brigade "Generalísimo Francisco de Miranda"
- 106 Special Operations Battalion
- 506 Special Operations Battalion
- Venezuelan Navy
- Infanteria de Marina (Marine Infantry)
8th Special Operations Command Brigade Generalissimo
- Special Operations Squadron
- Special Actions Group (Grupo de Acciones Especiales)
- Counter Extortion and Hostage Groups (Grupos Anti-Extorsión y Secuestros – GAES -)
- Vietnam Commando (Đặc công Việt Nam)
- M1 (FIBUA and CT operations)
- M13 (operations in jungle and mountains)
- K3 (Đoàn Trinh sát - Đặc nhiệm K3)
- 2 naval commando groups (Đoàn Đặc Công M26 và 126)
- M44 (within 2nd infantry division)
- DC20 (within 1st military zone)
- Đoàn Đặc Công 41/B1 (4th military zone)
- Đoàn Trinh Sát 12 (recon unit in 4th military zone)
- Đoàn Đặc Công 409 (5th military zone)
- Đoàn Trinh Sát 1 (2nd army corps)
- Đoàn Đặc Công 198 (3rd army corps)
- Đoàn Đặc Công 129 (4th army corps)
- M5, M113, M429 commando units
- 2 para commando brigades
- SF brigade
- 1st commando battalion
- Boat Squadron
- Combat Diving Unit
- Special Air Service
- 1st Zimbabwe Parachute battalion
- Commando regiment
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Thomson, Mark; Davies, Andrew (2008). "ADF capability review: Australian Army". Australian Strategic Policy Institute. p. 3. Retrieved 19 August 2008.
- ↑ "Commando". Defence Jobs. Australian Army. Retrieved 19 August 2008.
- ↑ "Clearance Diver". Defence Jobs. Australian Navy. Retrieved 5 February 2013.
- ↑ Österreichs Bundesheer – Jagdkommando. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Das Jagdkommando (JaKdo). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Composante Terre Unités Special Forces Group. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ [1][dead link]
- ↑
- ↑ Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit | Unité interarmées d'intervention du Canada. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Canadian Special Operations Regiment | Régiment d'opérations spéciales du Canada. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Joint Task Force Two | La Deuxième Force opérationnelle interarmées. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ PLA Special Operations Forces. (30 August 2008). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Hjemmeværnet – SSR – Særlig Støtte og Rekognoscering. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Forside. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Kongsøre. (24 September 2010). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Einheiten – KSK – Kommando Spezialkräfte. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Einheiten – Kampfschwimmer. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ [2][dead link]
- ↑ [3][dead link]
- ↑ [4][dead link]
- ↑ Lowry, Bob (1996). The Armed Forces of Indonesia. The Armed Forces of Asia. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. pp. 86–89. ISBN 1-86448-144-7.
- ↑ Kingsbury, Damien (2003). Power politics and the Indonesian military. Routledge. pp. 93–109. ISBN 978-0-415-29729-5.
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Bennett, Richard M. (2003). Elite Forces. The World's Most Formidable Secret Armies. London: Virgin Books. pp. 102–103. ISBN 0-7535-0823-0.
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Kingsbury, Damien (2003). Power politics and the Indonesian military. Routledge. pp. 110–111. ISBN 978-0-415-29729-5.,M1.
- ↑ ARW | Organisation | Army | Defence Forces. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Katz, Yaakov (13 August 2006). "Commandos out in the open". USA Today. Retrieved 8 May 2010.
- ↑ First female Arab soldier joins elite unit 669 – Israel News, Ynetnews. (20 June 1995). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ The Israeli Special Forces Database™ – Sayeret, Commando, Special Operations. (6 May 1967). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3
- ↑ [5][dead link]
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 /investiresicurezza/moltiplicatori_strategici.htm
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ NZ Army – NZ Special Air Service Group. (7 July 2011). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑
- ↑ /;jsessionid=YV42R1QYSDO5DQFIZYGSFEQ?_requestid=129084
- ↑ "Strategic assets: Pakistan strengthens security of nuclear assets".
- ↑ Special Operations.Com. Special Operations.Com. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ A Celebration of the Little Black Dress. (17 September 2010). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Philippine Journals Online. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑
- ↑ Web 6 Apr.qxp. (PDF) . Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ About Section, Official Force Recon Page.
- ↑ :: Morska Jednostka Działań Specjalnych – FORMOZA :: STRONA GŁÓWNA ::. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ [6][dead link]
- ↑ //- Nieoficjalna strona poświęcona Jednostce Wojskowej GROM -//. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Witamy na stronie 1 PSK. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Dowództwo Wojsk Specjalnych. (3 September 2011). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ 50.0 50.1
- ↑
- ↑ Menirea Interventiei Rapide. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ SA Special Forces League. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Ministerio de Defensa. Nodo de Internet. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Presentation – Armada Española. Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑ Since 1 August, Switzerland has had its first professional special forces unit, known as DRA10.. swissinfo (5 September 2007). Retrieved on 8 September 2011.
- ↑
- ↑ "The secretive sister of the SAS". BBC. 16 November 2001. Retrieved 10 March 2010.
- ↑ "Special Boat Service (Reserve)". Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Retrieved 8 March 2010.
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 "SAS(R)". Ministry of Defence. Retrieved 2013.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 69.00 69.01 69.02 69.03 69.04 69.05 69.06 69.07 69.08 69.09 69.10 69.11 69.12 69.13 69.14 69.15 69.16 69.17 69.18 69.19 69.20 69.21 69.22 69.23 69.24 69.25 69.26 69.27 69.28 69.29 69.30 69.31 69.32 69.33 69.34 69.35 69.36 69.37 69.38 69.39 69.40 69.41 69.42 69.43 69.44 69.45 69.46 69.47 "SOCOM 2013 Factbook". 2013. Retrieved 27 February 2013.
- Miscellaneous Notes
- ^ The Japanese Special Forces Group is the current name of the former Japanese Special Operations Group, following a name change.
External links[]
- US Special Operation Forces – 2009 SOCOM Factbook
- China Special Operation Units
- ShadowSpear Special Operations: SOF Unit Profiles
The original article can be found at List of military special forces units and the edit history here.