Military Wiki

This page is a list of Machine guns from around the world.

Light machine guns[]

Gun Manufacturer Cartridge Country Year
Besal Royal Small Arms Factory .303 British Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1941
Ares Shrike Ares Defence 5.56x45mm NATO United States 2002
M27 IAR Heckler & Koch 5.56×45mm NATO Flag of Germany Germany 2008
ZB vz. 26 Zbrojovka Brno 8x57mm IS Flag of Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 1923
ZB vz. 30 Zbrojovka Brno 8x57mm IS Flag of Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 1930
Vz. 52 Zbrojovka Brno 7.62mm Flag of Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 1950's
Mondragón rifle Secretariat of National Defense 7×57mm Mauser Flag of Mexico Mexico 1910
Mendoza C-1934 Productos Mendoza 7×57mm Mauser Flag of Mexico Mexico 1934
Breda 30 Breda Meccanica Bresciana 6.5x52mm Mannlicher-Carcano Flag of Italy Italy 1930
Browning wz.1928 Państwowa Fabryka Karabinów 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of Poland Poland 1928
Bren Royal Small Arms Factory .303 British
7.92x57mm Mauser
7.62x51mm NATO
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1935
CETME Ameli General Dynamics 5.56x45mm NATO Flag of Spain Spain 1982
Charlton Automatic Rifle Charlton Motor Workshops (NZ) / Electrolux (Australia) .303 British Flag of New Zealand New Zealand 1942
Chauchat SIDARME 8mm Lebel Flag of France France 1915
ČZW-762 Czech Weapons 7.62x39mm M43 Flag of Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 2000s
DP Degtyarev plant 7.62x54mmR Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1928
Maxim-Tokarev Tula Arms Factory 7.62x54mmR Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1927
McCrudden light machine rifle .303 British Flag of Australia Australia 1921
EMERK Myanmar Heavy Industries 5.56x45mm NATO Flag of Myanmar Myanmar 2010
EPK Pyrkal 7.92x36mm EPK Flag of Greece Greece 1939
FG-42 Rheinmetall-Borsig 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of German Reich (1935–1945) Nazi Germany 1942
FM 24/29 Manufacture d'armes de Châtellerault 7.5x54mm French Flag of France France 1924
FN Minimi Fabrique Nationale de Herstal 5.56x45mm NATO
7.62x51mm NATO
Flag of Belgium (civil) Belgium 1982
HK21 Heckler & Koch 7.62x51mm NATO
5.56x45mm NATO
Flag of Germany West Germany 1961
Hotchkiss M1909 Hotchkiss et Cie .30-06 Springfield
8mm Lebel
.303 British
Flag of France France 1909
Huot Automatic Rifle Dominion Rifle Factory .303 British Flag of Canada Canada 1916
K3 S&T Daewoo 5.56x45mm NATO Flag of South Korea South Korea 1991
IP-2 TsNIITochMash 5.45×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1972
KG/1940 Svenska Automatvapen AB 6.5x55mm Flag of Sweden Sweden 1940
Kk 62 Valmet 7.62x39mm Flag of Finland Finland 1960
Lahti-Saloranta M/26 Valtion kivääritehdas 7.62x53mmR Flag of Finland Finland 1927
Lewis Gun Birmingham Small Arms Company .303 British
.30-06 Springfield
United States Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1913
LSAT Lightweight Small Arms Technologies 5.56mm United States
Flag of Germany West Germany
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle Colt's Manufacturing Company .30-06 Springfield
7.92x57mm Mauser
7.65x53mm Argentine
7x57mm Mauser
.303 British
7.62x51mm NATO
United States 1917
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon Fabrique Nationale de Herstal 5.56x45mm NATO United States 1984
M1941 Johnson machine gun Melvin Johnson .30-06 Springfield United States 1940
Madsen Compagnie Madsen A/S 7x57mm Mauser
7.92x57mm Mauser
Flag of Denmark Denmark 1896
Mendoza RM2 Fábrica Nacional de Armas .30-06 Springfield Flag of Mexico Mexico 1965
MG4 Heckler & Koch 5.56x45mm NATO Flag of Germany Germany 2003
Negev Israel Weapon Industries 5.56x45mm NATO Flag of Israel Israel 1990
Nikonov Izhmash 5.45x39mm Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1978
QBB-95 Norinco 5.8x42mm DBP87
5.56x45mm NATO
Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 1995
RPD Degtyarev plant 7.62x39mm Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1944
RPK Vyatskie Polyany Machine-Building Plant «Molot». 7.62x39mm
Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1961
Sterling 7.62 Sterling Armaments Company 7.62x51mm NATO Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1944-1994
Stoner 63 Cadillac Gage 5.56x45mm NATO United States 1963
Stoner LMG Knight's Armament Company 5.56x45mm NATO United States 1986
Type 11 Light Machine Gun Tokyo Arsenal 6.5x50mm Arisaka Flag of Japan Japan 1922
Hotchkiss M1922 machine gun Hotchkiss et Cie 8mm Lebel Flag of France France 1922
Type 81 squad machine gun Norinco 7.62x39mm Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 1983
Type 96 Light Machine Gun Tokyo Arsenal 6.5x50mm Arisaka Flag of Japan Japan 1936
Type 97 Light Machine Gun Army Technical Bureau 7.7x58mm Arisaka Flag of Japan Japan 1937
Type 99 Light Machine Gun Tokyo Arsenal 7.7x58mm Arisaka Flag of Japan Japan 1939
Ultimax 100 ST Kinetics 5.56x45mm NATO Flag of Singapore Singapore 1982
Vickers-Berthier (VB) Ishapore Rifle Factory .303 British Flag of India India 1932
VMG-27 Vollmer 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of German Reich (1935–1945) Nazi Germany 1927
Weibel M/1932 Dansk Industri Syndikat 7x44mm Flag of Denmark Denmark 1932
Zastava M72 Zastava Oružja 7.62x39mm Flag of SFR Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 1973

Medium/general-purpose machine guns[]

Gun Manufacturer Cartridge Country Year
Besa machine gun Birmingham Small Arms Company 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1936
ALFA 44 Fabrica de Armas de Oviedo 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of Spain Spain 1944
ALFA 55 Fabrica de Armas de Oviedo 7.62mm NATO Flag of Spain Spain 1955
Madsen-Saetter Dansk Rekyl Riffel Syndikat A/S 7.62mm NATO Flag of Switzerland  Switzerland 1952
Fiat-Revelli Modello 1914 6.5x52mm Mannlicher-Carcano 1914
Uk vz. 59 Zbrojovka Vsetín 7.62mm Flag of Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 1959
Skoda M1909 Škoda Works Flag of Austria-Hungary 1869-1918 Austria-Hungary 1909
Schwarzlose MG M.07/12 Škoda Works 8x50mmR Mannlicher Flag of Austria-Hungary 1869-1918 Austria-Hungary 1905
Darne Hotchkiss et Cie 7.5x54mm French Flag of France France 1922
DS-39 Degtyarev plant 7.62x54mmR Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1939
FN MAG Fabrique Nationale de Herstal 7.62x51mm NATO Flag of Belgium (civil) Belgium 1958
ZB-53 Zbrojovka Brno 7.92 x 57mm Mauser Flag of Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 1936
Fittipaldi 7.92 x 57mm Mauser Flag of Argentina Argentina 1912
Fokker Fokker 6.5x53mm Dutch Mannlicher Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands 1922
Heckler & Koch HK121 Heckler & Koch 7.62x51mm NATO Flag of Germany Germany 2010
Hotchkiss M1914 Hotchkiss et Cie 8mm Lebel
7x57mm Mauser
6.5x50mm Arisaka
Flag of France France 1914
K12 S&T Daewoo 7.62x51mm NATO Flag of South Korea South Korea 2012
Ksp m/42 machine gun n/a 6.5x55mm Flag of Sweden Sweden 1942
MAC 1931 Hotchkiss et Cie 7.5x54mm French Flag of France France 1931
MAC 1934 Hotchkiss et Cie 7.5x54mm French Flag of France France 1934
AA-52 Manufacture d'armes de Saint-Étienne 7.5x54mm French Flag of France France 1952
M1919 Browning Rock Island Arsenal
General Motors
.30-06 Springfield
7.62x51mm NATO
.303 British
7.92x57mm Mauser
United States 1919
M60 U.S. Ordnance 7.62x51mm NATO United States 1957
MG34 Mauser 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of German Reich (1935–1945) Nazi Germany 1934
MG42 Metall-und Lackierwarenfabrik Johannes Großfuß AG 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of German Reich (1935–1945) Nazi Germany 1942
MG3 Rheinmetall 7.62×51mm NATO Flag of Germany Germany 1959
MG51 Waffenfabrik Bern 7.5x55mm Swiss Flag of Switzerland  Switzerland 1951
Perino Model 1908 N/A 6.5x52mm Mannlicher-Carcano Flag of Italy Italy 1908
NTK-62 Sumitomo Heavy Industries 7.62x51mm NATO Flag of Japan Japan 1962
SG-43 Goryunov Degtyarev plant 7.62x54mmR Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1943
SIG MG 710-3 Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft 7.62x51mm NATO Flag of Switzerland  Switzerland 1960s
St. Étienne Mle 1907 Manufacture d'armes de Saint-Étienne 8mm Lebel Flag of France France 1907
7,62 ITKK 31 VKT Valtion kivääritehdas 7.62x53mmR Flag of Finland Finland 1931
PK, PKM Izhmash 7.62x54mmR Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1961
Type 67 Norinco 7.62x54mmR Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 1967
Type 80 Norinco 7.62x54mmR Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 1980
PKP Pecheneg Izhmash 7.62x54mmR 1999
UKM-2000 Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów 7.62x51mm NATO Flag of Poland Poland 2000
Uirapuru Mekanika Industria e Comercio Ltd 7.62x51mm NATO Flag of Brazil Brazil 1975
Vektor SS-77 Vektor Arms 7.62x51mm NATO
5.56x45mm NATO
Flag of South Africa 1928-1994 South Africa 1977
Vickers machine gun Vickers .303 British Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1912
Vickers K Vickers .303 British Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1935
Zastava M84 Zastava Oružja 7.62x54mmR Flag of SFR Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 1985

Heavy machine guns[]

Gun Manufacturer Cartridge Country Year
MAC-58 MAS .50 BMG Flag of France France 1958
13.2 mm Hotchkiss machine gun Hotchkiss 13.2mm Flag of France France 1930
MG 131 Rheinmetall 13mm APT Flag of German Reich (1935–1945) Nazi Germany 1938
MG 18 TuF Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg 13x92mm Flag of Germany Germany 1918
MG 08 Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken 8x57 IS Flag of Germany Germany 1908
CIS 50MG ST Kinetics .50 BMG Flag of Singapore Singapore 2011
Ckm wz.30 Fabryka Karabinow 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of Poland Poland 1930
DShK Degtyarev plant 12.7x108mm Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1935
PM M1910 Izhmash 7.62x54mmR 1910
Berezin UB 12.7x108mm Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1930
HK25 Heckler & Koch 12.7x99mm NATO Flag of Germany Germany 1961
Type 77 Norinco 12.7x108mm Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 1976
W85 Norinco 12.7x108mm Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 1985
M2 Browning General Dynamics .50 BMG United States 1921
XM806 General Dynamics .50 BMG United States 2012
K6 Daewoo .50 BMG Flag of South Korea South Korea 1990
M1917 Browning machine gun Rock Island Arsenal .30-06 Springfield United States 1917
Breda M37 Breda Meccanica Bresciana 8x59mm RB Breda Flag of Italy Italy 1937
RMG .50 Rheinmetall .50 BMG Flag of Germany Germany 2010
Salvator-Dormus M1893 Škoda Works 8x50mmR Mannlicher Flag of Austria-Hungary 1869-1918 Austria-Hungary 1893
ZB-50 Škoda Works 7.92x57mm Mauser Flag of Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 1932
Fiat-Revelli Modello 1935 Società Metallurgica Bresciana 8x59mm RB Breda Flag of Italy Italy 1935
Vickers .50 machine gun Alvis Vickers .50 BMG Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1940
Maxim gun Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim .303 British Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1884
Type 3 heavy machine gun Kijiro Nambu 6.5x50mm Arisaka Flag of Japan Japan 1914
Type 92 heavy machine gun Kijiro Nambu 7.7×58 mm Type 2 Flag of Japan Japan 1932
Type 1 heavy machine gun Kijiro Nambu 7.7x58mm Arisaka Flag of Japan Japan 1941
NSV machine gun 12.7x108mm Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union 1971
Kord machine gun Degtyarev plant 12.7x108mm Flag of Russia Russia 1990
M02 Coyote Zastava Arms 12.7x108mm Flag of Serbia Serbia 2005
KPV-14.5 Degtyarev plant 14.5x114mm M41 Flag of Russia Russia 1944
QJG-02 heavy machine gun Norinco 14.5x114mm M41 Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 2005
FN BRG-15 FN Herstal 15x115mm & 15.5x106mm Flag of Belgium (civil) Belgium 1983

See also[]

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The original article can be found at List of machine guns and the edit history here.