This is a list of female Heroes of the Soviet Union; of the 12,775 people awarded the title, 95 were women, 49 of whom were posthumous recipients of the title.
This color, along with the * (asterisk), indicates that the title was awarded posthumously.
Soviet military personnel[]
Image | Name | Unit | Rank | Date of award | Notes | References |
Valentina Grizodubova Валентина Гризодубова |
101st Long-Range Aviation Regiment | Colonel | November 2, 1938 | —
[1] | |
Polina Osipenko Полина Осипенко |
Major | November 2, 1938 | Killed in action in 1939 during a routine flight. | [2] | |
Marina Raskova Марина Раскова |
587th Dive Bomber Regiment | Major | November 2, 1938 | Killed in action on 4 January 1943 when her aircraft crashed attempting to make a forced landing on the Volga bank, while leading two other Pe-2s to the first operative airfield near Stalingrad. | [3] | |
Yekaterina Zelenko Екатерина Зеленко |
135th Light Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | May 5, 1990 * | Killed in action while performing an aerial ramming 12 September 1941. | [4] | |
Raisa Aronova Раиса Аронова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Major | May 15, 1946 | —
[5] | |
Vera Belik Вера Белик |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Lieutenant | February 23, 1945 * | Killed in action on 25 August 1944 after shot down by German fighter. | [6] | |
Tatyana Makarova Татьяна Макарова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Lieutenant | February 23, 1945 * | Killed in action on 25 August 1944 after shot down by German fighter. | [7] | |
Marina Chechneva Марина Чечнева |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Major | August 15, 1946 | —
[8] | |
Rufina Gasheva Руфина Гашева |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Major | February 23, 1945 | —
[9] | |
Olga Sanfirova Ольга Санфирова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Captain | February 23, 1945 * | Killed in action on 13 December 1944 after stepping on landmine when evacuating downed aircraft. | [10] | |
Polina Gelman Полина Гельман |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Major | May 15, 1946 | —
[11] | |
Antonina Khudyakova Антонина Худякова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | May 15, 1946 | —
[12] | |
Larisa Litvinova Лариса Литвинова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Captain | February 23, 1948 | —
[13] | |
Natalya Meklin Наталья Меклин |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Major | February 23, 1945 | —
[14] | |
Yevdokiya Nikulina Евдокия Никулина |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Major | October 26, 1944 | —
[15] | |
Yevdokiya Nosal Евдокия Носаль |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | May 24, 1943 * | Killed in action on 23 April 1943 when hit in the head by a piece of shrapnel from anti-aircraft fire. | [16] | |
Zoya Parfenova Зоя Парфёнова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | August 18, 1945 | —
[17] | |
Yevdokia Pasko Евдокия Пасько |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | October 26, 1944 | —
[18] | |
Nadezhda Popova Надежда Попова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Captain | February 23, 1945 | —
[19] | |
Nina Raspopova Нина Распопова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | May 15, 1946 | —
[20] | |
Yevgeniya Rudneva Евгения Руднева |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | October 26, 1944 * | Killed in action on 9 April 1944 after plane was shot down from anti-aircraft warfare. | [21] | |
Yekaterina Ryabova Екатерина Рябова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | February 23, 1945 | —
[22] | |
Irina Sebrova Ирина Себрова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | February 23, 1945 | —
[23] | |
Mariya Smirnova Мария Смирнова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Major | October 26, 1944 | —
[24] | |
Maguba Syrtlanova Магуба Сыртланова |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | May 15, 1946 | —
[25] | |
Nina Ulyanenko Нина Ульяненко |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Lieutenant | August 18, 1945 | —
[26] | |
Yevgeniya Zhigulenko Евгения Жигуленко |
46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment | Major | February 23, 1945 | —
[27] | |
Mariya Dolina Мария Долина |
125th Guards Dive Bomber Regiment | Major | August 18, 1945 | —
[28] | |
Galina Dzhunkovskaya Галина Джунковская |
125th Guards Dive Bomber Regiment | Major | August 18, 1945 | —
[29] | |
Nadezhda Fedutenko Надежда Федутенко |
125th Guards Dive Bomber Regiment | Major | August 18, 1945 | —
[30] | |
Klavdia Fomicheva Клавдия Фомичёва |
125th Guards Dive Bomber Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | August 18, 1945 | —
[31] | |
Antonina Zubkova Антонина Зубкова |
125th Guards Dive Bomber Regiment | Captain | August 18, 1945 | —
[32] | |
Lydia Litvyak Лидия Литвяк |
73rd Guards Fighter Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | May 5, 1990 * | Presumably killed in action on 1 August 1943 after crash; some think she may have survived and been a POW. | [33] | |
Tamara Konstantinova Тамара Константинова |
566th Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | June 29, 1945 | —
[34] | |
Anna Yegorova Анна Егорова |
805th Ground Attack Air Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | May 6, 1965 | —
[35] | |
Tatyana Baramzina Татьяна Барамзина |
252nd Rifle Regiment | Corporal | March 24, 1945 * | Captured, tortured, and executed with an anti-tank rifle on 5 July 1944 after running out of ammunition while trying to protect trenches of wounded soldiers. | [36] | |
Yelena Stempkovskaya Елена Стемпковская |
216th Rifle Regiment | Junior Sergeant | May 15, 1946 * | Killed in action on 26 June 1942. Some accounts state that she was captured and tortured while others say she was killed in battle. | [37] | |
Manshuk Mametova Маншук Маметова |
21st Guards Rifle Division | Senior Sergeant | March 1, 1944 * | Killed in action defending strategic bridgehead on 15 October 1943. | [38] | |
Nina Onilova Нина Онилова |
54th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | May 14, 1965 * | Died of wounds on 8 March 1942 | [39] | |
Mariya Batrakova Мария Батракова |
463rd Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | March 19, 1944 | —
[40] | |
Anna Nikandrova Анна Никандрова |
426th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | March 24, 1945 * | Killed in action while trying to take out machine-gun bunker on 23 June 1944. | [41] | |
Tatyana Kostyrina Татьяна Костырина |
691st Rifle Regiment | Junior Sergeant | May 16, 1944 * | Killed in action on 22 November 1942. | [42] | |
Natalya Kovshova Наталья Ковшова |
528th Rifle Regiment | Private | February 14, 1943 * | Killed in action after detonating grenades when fully surrounded by German troops on 14 August 1942. | [43] | |
Mariya Polivanova Мария Поливанова |
528th Rifle Regiment | Private | February 14, 1943 * | Killed in action after detonating grenades when fully surrounded by German troops on 14 August 1942. | [44] | |
Aliya Moldagulova Алия Молдагулова |
54th Independent Rifle Brigade | Corporal | June 4, 1944 * | Died of wounds on 14 January 1944 after shot in hand-to-hand combat | [45] | |
Lyudmila Pavlichenko Людмила Павличенко |
25th Rifle Division | Major | October 25, 1943 | —
[46] | |
Irina Levchenko Ирина Левченко |
41st Tank Brigade | Lieutenant Colonel | May 6, 1965 | —
[47] | |
Mariya Oktyabrskaya Мария Октябрьская |
26th Guards Tank Brigade | Senior Sergeant | August 2, 1944 * | Died of wounds after remaining in coma for two months after head injury on 15 March 1944. | [48] | |
Mariya Bayda Мария Байда |
514th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | June 20, 1942 | —
[49] | |
Mariya Borovichenko Мария Боровиченко |
32nd Guards Artillery Regiment | Sergeant | May 6, 1965 * | Killed in action on 4 July 1943 after using body as human shield to protect colleague. | [50] | |
Valeriya Gnarovskaya Валерия Гнаровская |
907th Rifle Regiment | Senior Medical NCO | June 3, 1944 * | Killed in action on 23 September 1943 after throwing self under tank with bag of grenades to protect hospital tent. | [51] | |
Vera Kashcheyeva Вера Кащеева |
120th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | February 28, 1944 | —
[52] | |
Kseniya Konstantinova Ксения Константинова |
730th Rifle Regiment | Senior Medical NCO | June 4, 1944 * | Captured, tortured and executed on 1 October 1943 after running out of ammunition while trying to protect injured soldiers. | [53] | |
Lyudmila Kravets Людмила Кравец |
63rd Guards Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | May 31, 1945 | —
[54] | |
Zinaida Mareseva Зинаида Маресева |
214th Guards Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | February 22, 1944 * | Died of wounds on 6 August 1943 after using body as human shield to defend wounded soldiers from mortar attack. | [55] | |
Fedora Pushina Федора Пушина |
520th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | January 10, 1944 * | Died of wounds on 6 November 1943 shortly after rescuing numerous soldiers from burning hospital. | [56] | |
Zinaida Samsonova Зинаида Самсонова |
667th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | June 3, 1944 * | Killed in action on 27 January 1944 after shot by German sniper while attempting to rescue wounded soldier. | [57] | |
Mariya Shcherbachenko Мария Щербаченко |
835th Rifle Regiment | Senior NCO | October 23, 1943 | —
[58] | |
Mariya Shkarletova Мария Шкарлетова |
170th Guards Rifle Regiment | Senior NCO | March 24, 1945 | —
[59] | |
Zinaida Tusnolobova-Marchenko Зинаида Туснолобова-Марченко |
849th Rifle Regiment | Senior Medical NCO | December 6, 1957 | —
[60] | |
Yekaterina Mikhailova-Demina Екатерина Михайлова-Дёмина |
369th Independent Naval Infantry Battalion | Chief Petty Officer | May 5, 1990 | —
[61] | |
Galina Petrova Галина Петрова |
386th Independent Naval Infantry Battalion | Chief Petty Officer | November 17, 1943 | Killed in action less than a month later on 4 December 1943. | [62] | |
Mariya Tsukanova Мария Цуканова |
355th Independent Guards Naval Infantry Battalion | Corporal | September 14, 1945 * | Killed in action on 14 August 1945. | [63] | |
Nina Gnilitskaya Нина Гнилицкая |
383rd Rifle Division | Private | March 31, 1943 * | Killed in action on 10 December 1941. | [64] |
Soviet partisans[]
Image | Name | Date of award | Notes | References |
Yelizaveta Chaikina Елизавета Чайкина |
March 6, 1942 * | Captured and executed on 22 November 1941 | [65] | |
Yelena Kolesova Елена Колесова |
November 21, 1944 * | Killed in action on 11 September 1942 | [66] | |
Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Зоя Космодемьянская |
February 16, 1942 * | Captured and executed on 29 November 1941 | [67] | |
Tatyana Marinenko Татьяна Мариненко |
May 8, 1965 * | Captured and executed on 2 February 1942 | [68] | |
Anna Maslovskaya Анна Масловская |
May 15, 1944 | —
[69] | |
Marytė Melnikaitė Мария Мельникайте |
March 22, 1944 * | Captured and executed on 13 July 1943 | [70] | |
Antonina Petrova Антонина Петрова |
April 8, 1942 * | Killed herself to avoid capture on 4 November 1941 | [71] | |
Larisa Ratushnaya Лариса Ратушная |
May 8, 1965 * | Murdured by a traitor in her unit on 18 March 1944 | [72] | |
Valentina Safronova Валентина Сафронова |
May 8, 1965 * | Tortured to death by the Gestapo on 1 May 1943 | [73] | |
Helene Kullmann Леэн Кульман |
May 8, 1965 * | Captured and executed on 6 March 1943 | [74] | |
Anna Lisitsyna Анна Лисицына |
September 25, 1943 * | Killed in action on 3 August 1942 | [75] | |
Mariya Melentyeva Мария Мелентьева |
September 25, 1943 * | Captured and executed in 1943 | [76] | |
Anna Morozova Анна Морозова |
May 8, 1965 * | Killed in action in December 1944 | [77] | |
Anastasiya Biseniek Анастасия Бисениек |
May 9, 1965 * | Captured and executed in October 1943 | [78] | |
Darya Dyachenko Дарья Дьяченко |
July 1, 1958 * | Captured and executed on 2 April 1944 | [79] | |
Juliana Gromova Ульяна Громова |
September 21, 1943 * | Captured and executed on 16 January 1943 | [80] | |
Lyubov Shevtsova Любовь Шевцова |
September 21, 1943 * | Captured and executed on 9 February 1943 | [81] | |
Vera Kharuzhaya Вера Хоружая |
May 17, 1960 * | Captured and executed on 4 December 1942 | [82] | |
Mariya Kislyak Мария Кисляк |
May 8, 1965 * | Captured and executed on 18 June 1943 | [83] | |
Yelena Mazanik Елена Мазаник |
October 29, 1943 | —
[84] | |
Mariya Osipova Мария Осипова |
October 29, 1943 | —
[85] | |
Nadezhda Troyan Надежда Троян |
October 29, 1943 | —
[86] | |
Klavdiya Nazarova Клавдия Назарова |
August 20, 1945 * | Captured and executed on 12 December 1942 | [87] | |
Zinaida Portnova Зинаида Портнова |
July 1, 1958 * | Captured and executed in January 1944 | [88] | |
Nina Sosnina Нина Соснина |
May 8, 1965 * | Killed in action on 31 August 1943 | [89] | |
Yelena Ubiyvovk Елена Убийвовк |
May 8, 1965 * | Captured and executed on 26 May 1942 | [90] | |
Nadezhda Volkova Надежда Волкова |
May 8, 1965 * | Killed in action on 26 November 1942 | [91] | |
Yefrosinya Zenkova Ефросинья Зенькова |
July 1, 1958 | —
[92] |
Soviet cosmonauts[]
Image | Name | Mission | Date of award | Notes | References |
Valentina Tereshkova Валентина Терешкова |
Vostok 6 | 22 June 1963
First woman in space | [93] | |
Svetlana Savitskaya Светлана Савицкая |
Soyuz T-7 and Soyuz T-12 | 27 August 1982, 29 July 1984 (twice)
First woman to make a spacewalk | [94] |
Foreign military personnel[]
Image | Name | Country | Unit | Rank | Date of award | Notes | References |
Aniela Krzywoń | Poland | "Emilia Plater" Independent Women's Battalion | Private | November 11, 1943 * | Killed in action on 12 October 1943 | [95] |
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 3–10.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 11–15.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 16–27.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 28–32.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 33–36.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 37–41.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 37–41.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 42–46.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 47–50.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 47–50.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 51–54.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 55–56.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 57–59.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 60–62.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 63–65.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 66–69.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 70–73.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 74–76.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 77–80.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 81–83.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 84–89.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 90–95.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 96–100.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 101–104.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 105–107.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 108–110.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 111–114.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 115–118.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 119–121.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 122–124.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 125–127.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 128–131.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 132–138.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 139–141.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 142–150.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 151–153.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 154–157.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 158–161.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 162–167.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 168–170.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 171–172.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 173–174.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 175–179.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 175–179.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 180–183.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 184–188.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 189–192.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 193–196.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 197–200.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 201–203.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 204–206.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 207–208.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 209–211.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 212–213.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 214–215.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 216–217.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 218–222.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 223–224.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 225–227.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 228–231.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 233–236.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 237–239.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 240–242.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 244–247.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 248–252.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 253–259.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 260–264.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 265–268.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 269–271.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 272–275.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 276–279.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 280–283.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 284–288.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 289–291.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 292–295.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 292–295.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 296–299.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 300–302.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 303–304.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 305–311.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 305–311.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 312–316.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 317–319.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 320–325.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 320–325.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 320–325.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 326–329.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 330–332.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 333–338.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 339–342.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 343–345.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, 346–349.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, xx.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, xx.
- ↑ Cottam, Women in War, xx.
- Cottam, Kazimiera J. Women in War and Resistance: Selected Biographies of Soviet Women Soldiers. Newburyport, Mass.: Focus Publishing/R. Pullins Company, 1998. ISBN 978-1585101603.
The original article can be found at List of female Heroes of the Soviet Union and the edit history here.