UN Security Council Resolutions |
Sources: UNBISnet · Wikisource |
1 to 100 (1946–1953) |
101 to 200 (1953–1965) |
201 to 300 (1965–1971) |
301 to 400 (1971–1976) |
401 to 500 (1976–1982) |
501 to 600 (1982–1987) |
601 to 700 (1987–1991) |
701 to 800 (1991–1993) |
801 to 900 (1993–1994) |
901 to 1000 (1994–1995) |
1001 to 1100 (1995–1997) |
1101 to 1200 (1997–1998) |
1201 to 1300 (1998–2000) |
1301 to 1400 (2000–2002) |
1401 to 1500 (2002–2003) |
1501 to 1600 (2003–2005) |
1601 to 1700 (2005–2006) |
1701 to 1800 (2006–2008) |
1801 to 1900 (2008–2009) |
1901 to 2000 (2009–2011) |
2001 to 2100 (2011–2013) |
2101 to 2200 (2013–2015) |
2201 to 2300 (2015–present) |
This is a list of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1201 to 1300 adopted between 15 October 1998 and 31 May 2000.
Resolution | Date | Vote | Concerns |
1201 | 15 October 1998 | 15–0–0 | Enlarges and extends the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic |
1202 | 15 October 1998 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola |
1203 | 24 October 1998 | 13–0–2 (abstentions: China, Russia) | Compliance with Resolution 1199 on Kosovo |
1204 | 30 October 1998 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1205 | 5 November 1998 | 15–0–0 | Condemns Iraq and demands compliance with previous resolutions concerning its weapons programme |
1206 | 12 November 1998 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan |
1207 | 17 November 1998 | 14–0–1 (abstention: China) | Failure of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) to execute arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia |
1208 | 19 November 1998 | 15–0–0 | Humanitarian situation and refugee camps in Africa |
1209 | 19 November 1998 | 15–0–0 | Illicit arms flows to and within Africa |
1210 | 24 November 1998 | 15–0–0 | Extends Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme |
1211 | 25 November 1998 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
1212 | 25 November 1998 | 13–0–2 (abstentions: China, Russia) | Extends mandate of the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti |
1213 | 3 December 1998 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola for final time |
1214 | 8 December 1998 | 15–0–0 | Civil war in Afghanistan |
1215 | 17 December 1998 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1216 | 21 December 1998 | 15–0–0 | Civil war in Guinea-Bissau |
1217 | 22 December 1998 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
1218 | 22 December 1998 | 15–0–0 | Progress towards a settlement of the Cyprus dispute |
1219 | 31 December 1998 | 15–0–0 | Crash of UN Flight 806 and disappearance of other aircraft over UNITA territory in Angola |
1220 | 12 January 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone |
1221 | 12 January 1999 | 15–0–0 | Downing of two UN-charted aircraft and disappearance of other aircraft over UNITA territory in Angola |
1222 | 15 January 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka |
1223 | 28 January 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
1224 | 28 January 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1225 | 28 January 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia |
1226 | 29 January 1999 | 15–0–0 | Urges Eritrea to accept settlement on war with Ethiopia |
1227 | 10 February 1999 | 15–0–0 | Demands end to war between Eritrea and Ethiopia |
1228 | 11 February 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1229 | 26 February 1999 | 15–0–0 | Expiration of mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola |
1230 | 26 February 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic |
1231 | 11 March 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone |
1232 | 30 March 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1233 | 6 April 1999 | 15–0–0 | Establishes the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau; implementation of Abuja Agreement |
1234 | 9 April 1999 | 15–0–0 | War in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
1235 | 30 April 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1236 | 7 May 1999 | 15–0–0 | Welcomes agreement between Portugal and Indonesia on future of East Timor |
1237 | 7 May 1999 | 15–0–0 | Establishes investigation into violations of sanctions against UNITA in Angola |
1238 | 14 May 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1239 | 14 May 1999 | 13–0–2 (abstentions: China, Russia) | Calls for access by United Nations and humanitarian personnel to displaced persons in Kosovo and Montenegro |
1240 | 15 May 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan |
1241 | 19 May 1999 | 15–0–0 | Completion of cases at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda by judges whose terms of office are set to expire |
1242 | 21 May 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme |
1243 | 27 May 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
1244 | 10 June 1999 | 14–0–1 (abstention: China) | Establishes the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo |
1245 | 11 June 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone |
1246 | 11 June 1999 | 15–0–0 | Establishes the United Nations Mission in East Timor |
1247 | 18 June 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Stabilisation Force |
1248 | 25 June 1999 | Adopted without vote | Admission of Kiribati to the United Nations |
1249 | 25 June 1999 | 14–0–1 (abstention: China) | Admission of Nauru to the United Nations |
1250 | 29 June 1999 | 15–0–0 | Negotiations for settlement of the Cyprus dispute by the Secretary-General |
1251 | 29 June 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
1252 | 15 July 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka |
1253 | 28 July 1999 | Adopted without vote | Admission of Tonga to the United Nations |
1254 | 30 July 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
1255 | 30 July 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia; situation in Abkhazia |
1256 | 3 August 1999 | 15–0–0 | Appoints Wolfgang Petritsch as High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina |
1257 | 3 August 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in East Timor |
1258 | 6 August 1999 | 15–0–0 | Deploys military liaison personnel in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
1259 | 11 August 1999 | 15–0–0 | Appoints Carla Del Ponte as Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda |
1260 | 20 August 1999 | 15–0–0 | Strengthens and expands the United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone |
1261 | 25 August 1999 | 15–0–0 | Children in armed conflict |
1262 | 27 August 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in East Timor |
1263 | 13 September 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1264 | 15 September 1999 | 15–0–0 | Establishes the International Force for East Timor |
1265 | 17 September 1999 | 15–0–0 | Protection of civilians in armed conflict |
1266 | 4 October 1999 | 15–0–0 | Authorises import of Iraqi petroleum or petroleum products up to additional sum of US$3.04 billion |
1267 | 15 October 1999 | 15–0–0 | Sanctions against the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden |
1268 | 15 October 1999 | 15–0–0 | Establishes the United Nations Office in Angola |
1269 | 19 October 1999 | 15–0–0 | International co-operation regarding terrorism |
1270 | 22 October 1999 | 15–0–0 | Establishes the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone |
1271 | 22 October 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic |
1272 | 25 October 1999 | 15–0–0 | Establishes the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor |
1273 | 5 November 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of military liaison personnel in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
1274 | 12 November 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan |
1275 | 19 November 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme |
1276 | 24 November 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
1277 | 30 November 1999 | 14–0–1 (abstention: Russia) | Extends mandate of the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti; transition |
1278 | 30 November 1999 | Adopted without a vote | Vacancy and elections at the International Court of Justice |
1279 | 30 November 1999 | 15–0–0 | Establishes the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
1280 | 3 December 1999 | 11–0–3 (abstentions: China, Malaysia, Russia; France did not participate) | Extends Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme |
1281 | 10 December 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme |
1282 | 14 December 1999 | 14–0–1 (abstention: Namibia) | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1283 | 15 December 1999 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
1284 | 17 December 1999 | 11–0–4 (abstentions: China, France, Malaysia, Russia) | Establishes the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission |
1285 | 13 January 2000 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka |
1286 | 19 January 2000 | 15–0–0 | Burundi Civil War |
1287 | 31 January 2000 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia |
1288 | 31 January 2000 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
1289 | 7 February 2000 | 15–0–0 | Extends and expands mandate of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone |
1290 | 17 February 2000 | 14–0–1 (abstention: China) | Admission of Tuvalu to the United Nations |
1291 | 24 February 2000 | 15–0–0 | Extends and expands mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo |
1292 | 29 February 2000 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
1293 | 31 March 2000 | 15–0–0 | Doubles amount Iraq may spend for oil spare parts, equipment |
1294 | 13 April 2000 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Office in Angola |
1295 | 18 April 2000 | 15–0–0 | Reaffirming resolution 864 and all subsequent resolutions on Angola |
1296 | 19 April 2000 | 15–0–0 | Protection of civilians in armed conflicts |
1297 | 12 May 2000 | 15–0–0 | Demands end to conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia |
1298 | 17 May 2000 | 15–0–0 | Imposes arms embargo on Eritrea and Ethiopia |
1299 | 19 May 2000 | 15–0–0 | Expands military component of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone |
1300 | 31 May 2000 | 15–0–0 | Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
The original article can be found at List of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1201 to 1300 and the edit history here.