Military Wiki

This is a list of Vehicles used by the U.S. Army Signal Corps from World War I through World War II.

Signal corps lance wagon

empty Lance wagon, possibly the K-2 used to carry "Lance" poles for Telephone/telegraph wire


Vehicles specifically designed or adapted for the Signal Corps were initially designated by a "K" number. The K-number was later phased out along with the Signal Corps Radio nomenclature system, and was replaced by a "V" number under the Joint Electronics Type Designation System (JETDS).

K numbers[]

K-number tonnage drive manufacturer. type used with publication associated with
k-1 cart unknown 1 axle unknown wire Telephone
k-2 truck unknown 2 axle unknown lance wagon Telephone
k-3 cart unknown 1 axle holms auto co. wire caisson K-4 Telephone
k-4 cart unknown 1 axle holms auto co. signal caisson K-3 Telephone
k-5 truck unknown 4x2 unknown maintenance Radio Tractor
K-6 unknown
K-7 unknown
k-8 cart unknown 1 axle unknown signal Telephone
K-9 unknown
K-10 unknown
k-11 wagon unknown 1 axle unknown gas cylinder caisson Balloons
K-12 unknown
K-13 trailer unknown unk. unknown storage battery
K-14 trailer unknown unk. unknown radio
K-15 unknown unknown unk. unknown
K-16 unknown unknown unk. unknown
K-17 unknown unknown unk. unknown
K-18 truck 1.5 ton 4x2 General Motors COE/van K-19 TM 10-1702 SCR-197
K-19 trailer 1 ton 1 axle A. J. Miller 21' house K-18 TM 11-805 SCR-197
K-20 trailer SCR-250
K-21 unknown
K-22 trailer 4 ton 1 axle Kingham trailer co. turntable K-32 SNL G703 SCR-270
K-23 unknown
K-28 trailer 4 ton 2 axle Fruehauf Corporation. turntable K-56 FM 4-176 SCR-268
K-29 trailer 3 ton 1 axle Adam Black and Sons box SNL G705 SCR-277
K-30 truck 5 ton 4x4 Autocar Company van operating SNL G511 SCR-270
K-31 truck 5 ton 4x4 Autocar Company van power PE-74 SNL G511 SCR-270
K-32 truck 5 ton 4x4 Autocar Company prime mover K-22 SNL G511 SCR-270
K-33 truck 1.5 ton 4x4 General Motors stake bed antenna hauler SCR-270
K-34 trailer 5 ton 2 axle A. J. Miller power PE-84 SNL G697 SCR-268
K-35 trailer 1.5 ton 2 axle Checker Motors Company house SCS-2 SNL G699 SCR-562
K-36 trailer 2 ton 1 axle American trailer pole dinky K-42 TM 11-368 telephone
K-37 trailer 5 ton 1 axle highway pole/reel k-42 SNL G687 telephone
K-38 trailer 1/4 ton 1 axle York splicers TE-56 k-50 SNL G685 telephone
K-39 trailer 4 ton 2 axle unknown unknown
K-40 trailer 4 ton 2 axle unknown unknown
K-41 trailer 4 ton 2 axle unknown mobile metero. station TM 11-2409 Signal Corps Radio
K-42 truck 1.5 ton 4x4 Chevrolet telephone maintenance no winch TM 10-1202 telephone
K-43 truck 1.5 ton 4x4 Chevrolet telephone maintenance with winch TM 10-1202 telephone
K-44 truck 1.5 ton 4x4 Chevrolet auger K-42/43 TM 11-364 telephone
K-45 trailer 1.5 ton 1 axle unknown photographic photo.
K-49 trailer 4 ton 2 axle unknown unknown
K-50 truck 1/2 ton 3/4 ton 4x4 Chevrolet & Dodge slant box telephone
K-50B truck 1/2 ton 3/4 ton 4x4 Chevrolet & Dodge square box telephone
K-51 truck 1.5 ton 4x4 Chevrolet panel van K-52 SCR-299
K-52 trailer 1 ton 1 axle Ben Hur power PE-95 SCR-299, SCR-399
K-53 truck 2.5 ton 6x6 GMC CCKW van multi purpose SNL G711
K-54 truck 1.5 ton 4x4 General Motors stake bed antenna hauler SCR-270
K-55 trailer 1.5 ton 2 axle A. J. Miller 21'house fighter intercept TM 11-487 AN/TTQ-1
K-56 truck 6 ton 6x6 White Motor Company 24' van SCR-268, SCR-545
K-57 truck 2.5 ton 6x6 GMC CCKW van
K-58 trailer 4 ton 2 axle Fruehauf Corporation Turntable SNL G696 SCR-268
K-59 truck 2.5 ton 6x6 GMC CCKW van Antenna
K-60 truck 2.5 ton 6x6 GMC CCKW van multi purpose
K-61 truck 2.5 ton 6x6 GMC CCKW
K-62 truck 5/6 ton 6x6 Autocar Company van same as K-30/31 SCR-270
K-63 trailer 1 ton 1 axle Ben Hur power PE-99
K-63A trailer 1 ton 1 axle Ben Hur power PE-197
K-64 trailer 4 ton 1 axle Couse turntable 30' AN-130 SNL G703 SCR-270
K-65 trailer 1.5 ton 2 axle Checker Motors Company house K-35 SNL G699 SCR-270
K-66 unknown
K-67 trailer 6 ton 1 axle Fruehauf Corporation turntable micky mouse K-73 TM 11-1109 SCR-547
K-68 trailer 7-ton 2 axle Fruehauf Corporation turntable SNL G696 SCR-268
K-69 unknown
K-70 truck 1.5 ton 4x4 Chevrolet panel van
K-71 trailer 4 ton 1 axle Kingham turntable SNL G703 SCR-270
K-72 trailer 7 ton 2 axle A. J. Miller house SCR-527
K-73 truck 1.5 ton 4x4 General Motors prime mover K-67 SCR-547
K-74 unknown
K-75 trailer 14 ton 2 axle Kingham trailer co. cab/antenna K-56 FM 4-146 SCR-545
K-76 trailer 5 ton 2 axle Fruehauf Corporation turntable receiver K-60 TM 11-1090 SCR-527
K-77 trailer 5 ton 2 axle Fruehauf Corporation turntable transmitter K-60 TM 11-1090 SCR-527, SCR-545
K-78 trailer 12 ton 1 axle Fruehauf Corporation semi antenna FM 4-144 SCR-584
K-79 trailer 5 ton unknown unknown radar antenna TM 11-2620 AN/MPS-9
K-80 trailer unknown unknown unknown power
K-81 trailer unknown unknown Fruehauf Corporation antenna mount
K-82 unknown
K-83 dolly 1.5 ton 1 axle General Electric adapter K-78 SNL G695 SCR-584
K-84 trailer 7 ton 2 axle Fruehauf Corporation amphibious TM 9-873 SCR-784

V numbers[]

  • JETDS was adopted 16 February 1943
V-number tonnage drive manufacturer. type used with publication associated with
V-1 trailer 1-ton 1 axle unknown antenna mount PE-141 AN/CRN-2
V-2 trailer 2 axle (K-34 trailer) van TM 11-1343 AN/MPN-1
V-3 trailer 1 axle AN/CPN-7
V-4 trailer 2 axle (K-34 trailer) van AN/MPN-1A
V-5 trailer 12-ton 2 axle Adam Black & sons van SNL G724 AN/MPN-1B
V-6 trailer 2-ton 1 axle localizer AN/CRN-10
V-7 trailer 2 axle (K-34 trailer) van AN/MPN-1C
V-8 truck 4-ton 6X6 Diamond T 968 truck/prime mover two PE127 SNL G509 AN/MPN-1
V-9 trailer 15-ton 2 axle Fruehauf Corporation van SNL G713 AN/MPG-1
V-10 truck 4-ton 6X6 Diamond T prime mover two PE127 SNL G509 AN/MPN-1A
V-11 truck 4-ton 6X6 Diamond T prime mover two PE127 SNL G509 AN/MPN-1B
V-12 truck 5-6-ton 4X4 Autocar (K-30 truck/van) maintenance SNL G511 AN/MPN-1
V-13 trailer 3.5-ton 1 axle pole hauler SNL G782 telephone
V-14 trailer 2 axle AN/TPS-1
V-15 trailer 1-ton 1 axle Superior coach antenna mount SNL G518 AN/TPQ-2
V-16 trailer unknown IFF AN/MPX-2
V-17A truck 2.5-ton 6X6 GMCREO Motor Car Company pole derrick (CCKW)pole derrick (M44) SNL G742 telephone
V-18A truck 2.5-ton 6X6 GMCREO Motor Car Company auger (CCKW)auger (M44) SNL G742 telephone
V-19 trailer
V-20 truck
V-21 trailer AN/TPQ-4
V-22 trailer power PU-133 AN/GPN-2
V-26 trailer AN/MSG-1
V-31 trailer AN/FPN-1A
V-32 trailer AN/MPS-4
V-33 truck AN/MPS-4
V-35 truck 1/4-ton 4X4 Jeep CJ radio (marines) any vehicle mounted radio
V-38 trailer 1-axle AN/MSQ-1
V-41 truck 3/4-ton 4X4 Dodge Telephone Maintenance SNL G741 telephone
V-42 trailer 1 axle AN/MPN-5
V-43 trailer 1 axle AN/MPN-5
V-44 trailer 1 axle AN/MPN-5
V-45 dolly 1 axle AN/MPN-5
V-46 truck 4X4 prime mover AN/MPN-5
V-53 trailer 10-ton 2-axle AN/GPN
V-54 trailer 10-ton 2-axle AN/GPN
V-55 trailer operation van AN/MTQ-1
V-61 cart dolly for an/fps-8 AN/MPS-11
V-62 trailer antenna mount AN/MPQ-10A
V-63 trailer antenna mount AN/MPS-7
V-65 trailer antenna mount AN/MPS-14
V-66 trailer transmitter/modulator AN/MPS-14
V-67 trailer outrigger transporter AN/MPS-14
V-71 trailer 2-axle antenna mount AN/GPN-6
V-75 trailer 2-axle antenna mount AN/MPS-8
V-79 trailer 1-axle operations AN/MTQ-1
V-83 trailer 1-axle operations AN/MRC-41
V-96 trailer operations AN/MPN-11
V-97 trailer power AN/MPN-11
V-112 trailer 2-axle transmitter van AN/MPS-11
V-113 trailer 2-axle power distribution van AN/MPS-11
V-120 trailer 1 axle cable reel telephone
V-121 trailer power AN/MPN-11
V-126 truck 3/4-ton 4X4 Dodge Antenna mount SNL G741 AN/MPX-7
V-130 trailer 2-axle AN/MPQ-4
V-189 trailer 3-ton 2-axle operations center SNL-G833 AN/MSC-25
V-197 trailer 2-axle AN/MRC-115
V-221 trailer 2-axle operations center AN/MCC-12
V-271 trailer 2-axle AN/TRC-87
V-280 trailer 2-axle maintenance AN/MSQ-35
V-287 trailer 2-axle antenna hauler AN/MSQ-35
V-317 trailer 2-axle TTY operations center AN/MGC-31
V-398 trailer 2-axle electric repair AN/MSA-34
V-415 trailer 1/4-ton 1-axle electomagnetic Ind. Inc. radio AN/MRC-127
V-434 cart push cart test equipment TM-11-6625-1668-12 AN/GGM-15
V-452 truck 2.5-ton 6X6 M109 van IBM punch card TM-11-7440-278-14 AN/MYK-8
V-460 truck 2.5-ton 6X6 M109 van IBM punch card TM-11-7440-278-14 AN/MYK-8
V-474 dolly pod carrier AN/ALM-153
V-483 truck 2.5-ton 6X6 M109 van IBM punch card TM-11-7440-278-14 AN/MYK-8
V-485 dolly 2-axle test equipment AN/ALM-166A
V-487 trailer 2-axle antenna hauller C-band AN/MPS-T1
V-488 trailer 2-axle antenna hauller S-band AN/MPS-T1
V-489 trailer 2-axle antenna hauller C-band AN/MPS-T1
V-490 trailer 2-axle antenna hauller C-band AN/MPS-T1
V-491 trailer 2-axle antenna hauller L-band AN/MPS-T1
V-492 trailer 2-axle antenna hauller S-band AN/MPS-T1
V-493 trailer 2-axle antenna hauller S-band AN/MPS-T1
V-494 trailer 2-axle antenna hauller X-band AN/MPS-T1
V-498 trailer 1/4-ton 1-axle (M569) central office SNL-G857 AN/TTC-41
V-499 trailer 2-axle electronic repair TM 11-4940-476-24 AN/ALM-153
V-516 trailer 2-axle test facility AN/MSM
V-521 trailer 2-axle data processing AN/MYQ-4
V-528 trailer 2-axle central office AN/TTC-39
V-600 trailer 2-axle transportable shelter AN/USD-9

See also[]


  • TM 9-2800 Standard Military Motor Vehicles. dated 1 sept. 1943
  • TM 9-2800 Military vehicles dated October 1947
  • TM 11-227 Signal Communication Directory. dated 10 April 1944
  • TM 11-487 Electrical Communication systems Equipment. dated 2 October 1944
  • TM 11-487-C1 military standardization handbook dated 1965
  • T/O&E 44-16, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, Mobile, dated 17 November 1944
  • T/O&E 11-57, Armored Signal Company, dated 15 September 1943

External links[]

All or a portion of this article consists of text from Wikipedia, and is therefore Creative Commons Licensed under GFDL.
The original article can be found at List of U.S. Signal Corps vehicles and the edit history here.