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List of Portuguese Air Force aircraft squadrons and flights, past and present.

Squadron designations[]

The basic aircraft unit of the Portuguese Air Force (PoAF) is the squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra ), which is under the command and part of an operational group (Portuguese language: Grupo Operacional ). These operational groups are dependent of an air base and commonly use a numerical designation related to the air base's own numerical designation. (Example: Grupo Operacional 11 is dependent of Air Base No. 11.)

Since the Air Force's reorganization of 1978, squadrons have used a three digit designation, with some squadrons starting to adopt this designation system in 1977. The first digit indicates the squadron's primary mission, while the second digit indicates the type of aircraft operated, and with the third digit being a sequential number.

Primary mission designation:

1 - Instruction squadron;
2 - Fighter squadron;
3 - Attack squadron;
4 - Reconnaissance squadron;
5 - Transport squadron;
6 - Maritime patrol squadron;
7 - Search and Rescue squadron;
8 - Special function squadron;

Designation of the type of aircraft operated by the squadron:

0 - Fixed-wing aircraft;
1 - Mixed;
5 - Rotary-wing aircraft;

Until 1977, and prior to this designation system, the PoAF used both numerical designations and names for its flying squadrons. Names were almost exclusively used for small local liaison and transport units and dedicated training squadrons.

The squadrons that used a numerical designation received it based on the air base or base airfield number at which they were based in addition to a sequential number. In example, 51 and 52 Squadron were based at Air Base No. 5 and 122 Squadron was based at Air Base No. 12. Units based at base airfields (Portuguese language: Aeródromo Base ) received a zero as an additional digit in their numeric designation to help differentiate them from units based at air bases. In example, 501 Squadron was based at Base Airfield No. 5.

Aircraft squadrons[]

Squadron Nickname Active Base Aircraft Notes
1st Transport Squadron 1952—1953 Portela Airfield C-54 Skymaster Transport squadron, replaced by 81 Squadron
81 Squadron 1953—1972 Portela Airfield C-54 Skymaster Transport squadron, re-designated as 131 Squadron
Liaison and Training Squadron Ota AB Avro Anson T.1, T-6 Texan, Miles Magister I
10 Squadron 1952—1956 Ota AB F-47D Thunderbolt Transferred to Tancos Air Base in 1955
11 Squadron 1952—1956 Ota AB F-47D Thunderbolt Transferred to Tancos Air Base in 1955
41 Squadron 1952—1976 Lajes AB SB-17G Flying Fortress, Douglas C-54 Skymaster, SC-54/HC-54 Searchmaster Search and rescue and maritime patrol squadron. Replaced by 42 Squadron and 503 Squadron Golfinhos
20 Squadron 1953—? Ota AB F-47D Thunderbolt, T-33 Shooting Star Air combat and training squadron. First squadron of the Portuguese Air Force to be equipped with jet aircraft
21 Squadron 1954—? Ota AB F-84G Thunderjet Air combat squadron
22 Squadron 1955—1956 Ota AB F-84G Thunderjet, T-33 Shooting Star Air combat and advanced combat training
E.I.C.P.[nb 1] Caracóis (Snails) 1956—1957 Ota AB T-33 Shooting Star Re-designated as E.I.C.P.A.C.
E.I.C.P.A.C.[nb 2] 1957—1977 Monte Real AB T-33 Shooting Star Training and fighter operational conversion. Re-designated as 103 Squadron
E.I.B.P.[nb 3] 1964—? São Jacinto AB T-6 Texan Basic flight training
E.I.C.P.A.P.[nb 4] 1960—? Lajes AB C-47 Dakota, C-54 Skymaster
Liaison and Training Squadron 1955 Tancos AB Airspeed Oxford, Piper L-21
61 Squadron 1956—1977 Montijo AB PV-2 Harpoon, P2V-5 Neptune Anti-submarine and maritime patrol squadron
62 Squadron 1956—1961 Montijo AB PV-2 Harpoon Anti-submarine, maritime patrol and ground attack. Deployed to Africa
50 Squadron 1958 Ota AB F-86F Sabre Reformed as 51 Squadron
51 Squadron Falcões (Falcons) 1959—1978 Monte Real AB F-86F Sabre, Fiat G.91, T-38A Talon Aircraft assigned to the squadron used a blue tail scheme
52 Squadron Galos (Roosters) 1959—1961 Monte Real AB F-86F Sabre Aircraft assigned to the squadron used a red tail scheme
82 Squadron 1961—1972 Portela Airfield DC-6 Transport squadron. Re-designated as 131 Squadron
91 Squadron 1961—1975 Luanda AB[nb 5] PV-2 Harpoon, Fiat G.91R/4 Ground attack and reconnaissance
92 Squadron Elefantes (Elephants) 1961—1974 Luanda AB Nord Noratlas
93 Squadron Magníficos (Magnificences) 1961—? Luanda AB F-84G Thunderjet, B-26 Invader
94 Squadron Luanda AB Alouette III Tactical transport squadron
103 Squadron 1962 Beira AB[nb 6] PV-2 Harpoon Ground attack and reconnaissance squadron. Activated on February 1 and re-designated as 101 Squadron on November 19, 1962
101 Squadron 1962—? Beira AB PV-2 Harpoon Ground attack and reconnaissance squadron
102 Squadron 1962—? Beira AB Nord Noratlas
Liaison and Training Squadron Beira AB Auster D.5, T-6 Texan
121 Squadron Cafeteiras (Coffee pots) 1965 Bissau AB[nb 7] Dornier Do 27 Forward air controller, liaison and close air support squadron
121 Squadron Tigres (Tigers) 1966 Bissau AB Fiat G.91 Close air support and air defense squadron
122 Squadron Canibais (Cannibals) 1969—? Bissau AB Alouette III Close air support and tactical transport squadron. Armed with 20 mm cannons
123 Squadron 1969—? Bissau AB Nord Noratlas, Dornier Do 27
E.L.T.S.[nb 8] 1970—? Portela Airfield C-47 Dakota, C-45 Expeditor, Max Holste Broussard Liaison, transport and search and rescue squadron
31 Squadron 1970—? Tancos AB T-6 Texan, Dornier Do 27, Auster D.5 Liaison, reconnaissance and close air support squadron. Mix Operational Squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra Operacional Mista


32 Squadron 1970—? Tancos AB Junkers Ju-52, Nord Noratlas Transport Aircraft Squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra de Aviões de Transporte


33 Squadron Zangões (Drones) 1970—1978 Tancos AB Alouette II, Alouette III
402 Squadron Saltimbancos (Mountebanks) 1969—1975 Henrique de Carvalho[nb 9] Alouette III
501 Squadron Tigres (Tigers) 1969—? Nacala[nb 10] T-6 Texan, Dornier Do 27 Close air support and reconnaissance squadron
502 Squadron Jaguares (Jaguars) 1969—? Nacala Fiat G.91R/4 Close air support, air defense, and reconnaissance squadron
503 Squadron Índios (Indians) 1969—? Nacala Alouette III
701 Squadron Tete[nb 11] T-6 Texan, Dornier Do 27, Cessna 185 Liaison and close air support squadron
702 Squadron Escorpiões (Scorpions) 1969—? Tete Fiat G.91R/4 Close air support, air defense, and reconnaissance squadron
703 Squadron Vampiros (Vampires) Tete Alouette III, SA 330 Puma Transport and MEDEVAC squadron
B-26 Detachment Diabos (Devils) 1970 Bissau AB B-26 Invader Operational testing of the B-26 in tropical environment
801 Squadron Lourenço Marques[nb 12] C-47 Dakota Transport squadron
131 Squadron 1971 Portela Airfield DC-6 Transport squadron
132 Squadron 1971—1976 Portela Airfield Boeing 707-3F5C Transport squadron
42 Squadron 1976—1977 Lajes AB SA 330 Puma Search and rescue squadron. Re-designated as 752 Squadron
101 Squadron Roncos (Roars) 1978—curr. Sintra AB TB 30 Epsilon Elementary and basic flying training squadron
102 Squadron Panchos (Panchos) 1977—1992 Beja AB Cessna T-37C Elementary flight training squadron
103 Squadron Caracóis (Snails) 1955—curr. Beja AB T-33 Shooting Star, T-38 Talon, Alpha Jet Complementary flight training and operational transition training squadron
111 Squadron 1978—1993 Tancos AB Alouette II, Alouette III, C-212 Aviocar Fixed-wing multi-engine flight and helicopter flight instruction
201 Squadron Falcões (Falcons) 1993—curr. Monte Real AB F-16 Fighting Falcon
301 Squadron Jaguares (Jaguars) 1978—curr. Monte Real AB Fiat G.91, Alpha Jet, F-16 Fighting Falcon
302 Squadron Falcões (Falcons) 1981—1996 Monte Real AB A-7 Corsair II Attack and air defense squadron
304 Squadron Magníficos (Magnificences) 1984—1999 Monte Real AB A-7 Corsair II Attack and air defense squadron
401 Squadron Cientistas (Scientists) 1966—2011 Montijo AB C-212 Aviocar Photographic survey, reconnaissance, and maritime patrol squadron
501 Squadron Bisontes (Bisons) 1977—curr. Montijo AB C-130 Hercules Transport squadron
502 Squadron Elefantes (Elephants) 1978—curr. Montijo AB C-212 Aviocar, C-295M Tactical and general transport, maritime patrol, MEDEVAC squadron. Detachment operating from Lajes Air Base
503 Squadron Golfinhos (Dolphins) 1977—1993 Lajes AB C-212 Aviocar Transport and maritime patrol squadron, initially designated as Maritime Patrol and Transport Squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra de Transporte e Patrulhamento Marítimo

). Merged into 711 Squadron

504 Squadron Linces (Lynxes) 1985—curr. Montijo AB Dassault Falcon 20DC, Dassault Falcon 50 VIP transport and medical evacuation squadron
505 Squadron Jakarés (Alligators) 1994—2005 Montijo AB Cessna Skymaster FTB-337G Liaison and transport. Previously designated as 505 Flight (Portuguese language: Esquadrilha 505


551 Squadron 1978—1986 Montijo AB Alouette III Tactical air transport
552 Squadron Zangões (Drones) 1978—curr. Beja AB Alouette III Tactical air transport, helicopter flight training squadron. Search and rescue detachment operating from Ovar
711 Squadron Albatrozes (Albatrosses) 1993—2008 Lajes AB SA 330 Puma, C-212 Aviocar Search and rescue and MEDEVAC squadron
751 Squadron Pumas (Pumas) 1978—curr. Montijo AB EH-101 Merlin Search and rescue and transport squadron. Detachment operating from Lajes Air Base
752 Squadron Pumas (Pumas) 1977—1993
Lajes AB SA 330 Puma Search and rescue and transport squadron. Merged into 711 Squadron
601 Squadron Lobos (Wolves) 1986—curr. Beja AB P-3 Orion Maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare
802 Squadron Águias (Eagles) 1977—curr. Sintra AB Schleicher ASK 21, DHC-1 Chipmunk, LET L-23 Air Force Academy flight instruction squadron

Army aviation flying units[]

Squadron Name Native name Active Base Aircraft Notes
G.E.A.R. Republican Aviation Squadrons Group Grupo de Esquadrilhas de Aviação República 1919—1927 Amadora Airfield Breguet 14, SPAD S.VII G.A.I.
E.M.A.D. Mix Depot and Aviation Flight Esquadrilha Mista de Aviação e Depósito 1920—? Tancos Airfield SPAD S.VII
Lubango Expedicionary Flight Esquadrilha Expedicionária do Lubango 1918—1921 Lubango, Angola Transferred to Huambo, Angola
G.E.A.A. Angola Aviation Squadrons Group Grupo de Esquadrilhas de Aviação de Angola 1921—? Huambo, Angola
Fighter Flight No. 1 Esquadrilha Nº1 de Caça 1926—1927 Tancos Airfield Breguet 14 G.I.A.P.C.
G.I.A.P.C. Aviation Combat Defense Independent Group Grupo Independente de Aviação de Protecção de Combate 1927—? Tancos Airfield Air defense
G.A.I. Information Aviation Group Grupo de Aviação de Informação 1927—1938 Amadora Airfield Reconnaissance
G.I.A.B. Independent Bombardment Aviation Group Grupo Independente de Aviação de Bombardeamento 1927—1940 Alverca Strategic bombing squadron. Transferred from Amadora
Independent Assault Aircraft Squadron Esquadrilha Independente de Aviões de Assalto 1939—1941 Granja do Marquês Breda Ba-65 Ground aircraft squadron
Day Bombardment Group Grupo de Bombardeamento de Dia 1938—1940 Ota Airfield 10x Junkers Ju-52/3m Strategic bombing squadron
Day Bombardment Group Grupo de Bombardeamento de Dia 1940—? Ota Airfield 10x Junkers Ju 86K-7 Strategic bombing squadron
Night Bombardment Group Grupo de Bombardeamento de Noite 1940—? Ota Airfield 10x Junkers Ju-52 Strategic bombing squadron
Fighter Flight Esquadrilha de Caça 1940—? Ota Airfield Gloster Gladiator II (15x) Air defense
Expeditionary Fighter Flight No. 1 Esquadrilha Expedicionária de Caça Nº 1 1941—? Rabo de Peixe Airfield, Azores Gloster Gladiator II Air defense and patrol squadron. Transferred from Tancos
Expeditionary Fighter Flight No. 2 Esquadrilha Expedicionária de Caça nº2 1941—? Achada, Azores Gloster Gladiator II Air defense and patrol squadron. Transferred from Ota
Mohawk Flight Esquadrilha Mohawk 1941 Ota Airfield Curtiss 75A-4 Mohawk Air defense. Squadron code XY
Expeditionary Squadron No. 1 Esquadrilha Expedicionária Nº 1 1941—? Rabo de Peixe Airfield, Azores Curtiss 75A-4 Mohawk Air defense
4th Flight Esquadrilha 4 1943—? Ota Airfield Bell P-39L Airacobra Air combat squadron. Also designated as Airacobra Squadron/Flight. Squadron code "OK"
SU Flight Esquadrilha SU 1943—1944 Ota Airfield Hawker Hurricane IIC
TY Flight Esquadrilha TY 1943—1944 Ota Airfield Hawker Hurricane IIB
VX Flight Esquadrilha VX 1943—1944 Ota Airfield Hawker Hurricane IIC
XZ Flight Esquadrilha XZ 1943—1944 Tancos Airfield Supermarine Spitfire I Air defense squadron. Transferred to Ota as XZ 3rd Squadron
Information and Reconnaissance Group Grupo de Reconhecimento e Informação 1943—1952 Tancos Airfield Westland Lysander IIIA Reconnaissance and liaison squadron
1st Flight - MR Esquadrilha 1 - MR 1944—? Ota Airfield Supermarine Spitfire V Air defense squadron
2nd Flight - RL Esquadrilha 2 - RL 1944—? Ota Airfield Supermarine Spitfire V Air defense squadron
E.I.A.C. Independent Fighter Aviation Squadron Esquadrilha Independente de Aviação de Caça (VX) 1944—1946 Portela Airfield Hawker Hurricane IIC Air combat squadron
ZE Flight Esquadrilha ZE 1944—? Ota Airfield Bristol Blenheim, Supermarine Spitfire
GL Flight Esquadrilha GL 1944—? Tancos Airfield Hawker Hurricane
41 Squadron 1947—1952 Lajes Air Base SB-17G Flying Fortress, Douglas C-54 Skymaster, SC-54/HC-54 Searchmaster Search and rescue and maritime patrol squadron
RV Flight Esquadrilha RV 1942—1948 Espinho Airfield Hawker Hurricane
Independent Fighter Aviation Group Grupo Independente de Aviação de Caça 1948—1952 Espinho Airfield Hawker Hurricane Air defense squadron. Merger of squadrons VX and RV
E.T.T. Training and Transport Flight Esquadrilha de Treino e Transporte 1947—1952 Granja do Marquês Airfield Avro Anson T.1, Avro 626 Training and transport. Replaced by PoAF's 1st Transport Squadron

See also[]


  1. Pilot Complementary Instruction Squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra de Instrução Complementar de Pilotagem )
  2. Fighter Aircraft Piloting Complementary Instruction Squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra de Instrução Complementar de Aviões de Caça )
  3. Basic Flight Instruction Squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra de Instrução Básica de Pilotagem )
  4. Heavy Aircraft Complementary Instruction Squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra de Instrução Complementar de Aviões Pesados )
  5. Air Base No. 9 (Portuguese language: Base Aérea Nº 9 , BA9)
  6. Air Base No. 10 (Portuguese language: Base Aérea Nº 10 , BA10)
  7. Air Base No. 12 (Portuguese language: Base Aérea Nº 12 , BA12)
  8. Liaison, Training and Rescue Squadron (Portuguese language: Esquadra de Ligação Treino e Socorro )
  9. Base Airfield No. 4 (Portuguese language: Aeródromo Base Nº 4 , AB4)
  10. Base Airfield No. 5 (Portuguese language: Aeródromo Base Nº 5 , AB5)
  11. Base Airfield No. 7 (Portuguese language: Aeródromo Base Nº 7 , AB7)
  12. Base Airfield No. 8 (Portuguese language: Aeródromo Base Nº 8 , AB8)


External links[]

All or a portion of this article consists of text from Wikipedia, and is therefore Creative Commons Licensed under GFDL.
The original article can be found at List of Portuguese Air Force aircraft squadrons and the edit history here.