High Seas Fleet Badge (German language: Das Flottenkriegsabzeichen) is a German military decoration (worn on the lower part of the left breast pocket of the naval service tunic, underneath the 1st class Iron Cross if awarded, or equivalent grade) awarded for service to the crews of the High Seas Fleet, mainly of the battleships and cruisers, but also those ships that supported them operationally for which there was no other award given. Required qualifications included e.g. active duty on 1 or more 12 week cruises, wounds or sinking in action.[1]
Although the award was instituted in April 1941, it could be awarded for actions that took place prior to this date and could highlight the struggle against the British fleet.
To be eligible to receive the badge one must have twelve weeks service on a battleship or cruiser, with proof of distinction and good conduct. The number of weeks were reduced if one of these conditions were met:[2][3]
- If the recipient was wounded or killed during the voyage.
- Outstanding achievements in an engagement.
- If the cruise was successful.
- Individual's ship was sunk in action. (Bismarck, Admiral Graf Spee, Blücher)
- For participation in “Rawalpindi” and “Jan Mayen”.
- All crew members of the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau received the award in view of the operational effectiveness of the ships.
- To every sailor who was present on the Tirpitz when it was bombed and sunk by the British R.A.F. in Tromsö Fjord on November 12, 1944.
The original article can be found at High Seas Fleet Badge and the edit history here.