Military Wiki

7. Division (Sword division) was a Finnish Army division in the Continuation War. The division was formed Savo-Karjala military province from the men in Pohjois-Savo (Northern Savonia) and Pohjois-Karjala (North Karelia) civil guard districts.[1]


After forming the division consisted of the following sub-units:[2]

  • Infantry Regiment 9
  • Infantry Regiment 30
  • Infantry Regiment 51
  • Light Detachment 15
  • Field Artillery Regiment 2
  • Heavy Artillery Battalion 28
  • Engineer Battalion 35
  • Signals Battalion 26
  • 261st Anti-aircraft Machine Gun Company

7.Division was mostly equipped according to division generic organization, only some material quantities were lacking.



Major military operations[]


Based on the periodic reports made by units to Finnish General Headquarters the total losses suffered by the 7. Division in killed, wounded and missing during the Continuation War were 12 384 men, the second-highest losses suffered by the Finnish divisions during the war.[4]


  • Sotatieteen laitos (1988). Jatkosodan historia. Porvoo: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö. ISBN 951-0-15326-5. 


  1. Sotatieteen laitos: "Jatkosodan historia" osa 1 s.62 ja 100
  2. Sotatieteen laitos: "Jatkosodan historia" osa 1 s.100
  3. Kohvakka, Mikko; Palokangas, Marko (2004). Jatkosodan tiellä. Helsinki: Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu, Sotahistorian laitos. pp. 241–259. ISBN 951-25-1522-9. 
  4. Sotatieteen laitos:"Jatkosodan historia" osa 6 s.494

See also[]

List of Finnish divisions in the Continuation War

External links[]

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The original article can be found at Finnish 7th Division (Continuation War) and the edit history here.