Military Wiki
DAGR missile

The Direct Attack Guided Rocket (DAGR) in flight over Eglin AFB.

The Direct Attack Guided Rocket (DAGR) is a weapons system under development by Lockheed Martin. The program goal is to provide a low cost 2.75 inch (70 mm) precision guided rocket which is compatible with existing Hellfire II systems and launchers in service.[1] The system will use components from the existing Hydra 70 rocket, but differs from other upgrades to the Hydra 70 such as APKWS and LOGIR in that it is designed to be plug-and-play compatible with the Hellfire missile and use the M299 Hellfire launcher, increasing the load-out by up to four times.[2] DAGR also offers a lock-on before launch capability that is not compatible with the electronics in existing Hydra 70 launchers.[3]


  • Diameter: 2.75 in (70 mm) [4]
  • Length: 75 in (1.9 m)
  • Wingspan: 8.75 in (222 mm)
  • Weight: 35.0 lb (15.8 kg)
  • Guidance: Semi-active laser homing (SALH).
  • Range from Sea Level: Min: 1.5 km Max: 5 km
  • Range from 20,000 feet: 12 km.[5]
  • Motor: Existing Hydra 70 motors.
  • Warhead: M151 warhead with M423 fuze

Program status[]

  • March 2005 - Program started.[6]
  • February 2006 - 1st flight test.[7]
  • October 2008 - 8th flight test and 1st ever 2.75" guided rocket live warhead flight test.[8]
  • March 2009 - 1st platform flight test - Apache AH-64D Attack Helicopter.
  • July 2009 - 2nd platform flight test - Little Bird AH-6: successfully hit the target in two separate trials.[9]
  • March 29, 2010 - 3rd platform test - Lockheed Martin’s DAGR Guided Rocket Fires Successfully From Kiowa Warrior Helicopter.[10]
  • May 8, 2012 - DAGR hits a truck target moving 25 mph fired from an AH-64D Apache 3.5 km away.[11]
  • September 2012 - DAGR successfully hits stationary targets while launched from ground-based mounts. Two missiles flew 3.5 kilometers and hit the target within one foot of the illuminated laser spot.[12]
  • February 2013 - DAGR is launched from a Lockheed Martin JLTV. It locked onto the laser spot two seconds after launch, flew 5 km (3.1 mi) down range and impacted the target within 1 meter of the laser spot.[13]


Following the Royal Jordanian Air Force's purchase of Boeing AH-6 helicopters, Lockheed offered to equip them with DAGRs.[14]

See also[]


  1. Lockheed Martin Unveils 2.75" Laser Guided Rocket - Defense Update
  2. New Hellfire-Compatible Guided Rocket Can Defeat Targets In Urban Operations - Space War
  3. "Lockheed Martin's DAGR Missile Demonstrates Ground Launch Capability In Guided Flight Tests." SPX, 27 September 2012.
  4. "Precision-Strike Capability in a 2.75-inch/70mm Guided Rocket". Lockheed Martin Corporation. 2010. 
  5. Lockheed Martin digs deep to fund precision-guided rocket - Flight Global
  10. Rivera, Janina (March 29, 2010). "Lockheed Martin’s DAGR Guided Rocket Fires Successfully From Kiowa Warrior Helicopter". Lockheed Martin Corporation. 
  12. Lockheed Martin’s DAGR Missile Demonstrates Ground Launch Capability In Guided Flight Tests - Lockheed press release, September 25, 2012
  13. Lockheed Martin Demonstrates DAGR Missile Ground Vehicle Launch Capability from JLTV - Lockheed press release, February 21, 2013
  14. Jordanian DAGR -, May 9, 2012

External links[]

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The original article can be found at Direct Attack Guided Rocket and the edit history here.