Janequeo is a female Mapudungun name and the name of a famous woman who defeated the Spaniards during the War of Arauco. Several ships of the Chilean Navy have been named Janequeo
- Janequeo (1836), Ex-brigantine Isaac Macen [1]
- Janequeo (1879), torpedoboat sunk off Callao, [2]
- Janequeo (1881) torpedoboat to replace the 1879 boat lost off Callao [3]
- Janequeo (1929) ATA-70, a tug [4]
- Janequeo (1943) ATF-65, a tug of the Abnaki class tug, Ex-USS ATF 109 Potowatomi, sunk on 15 August 1965 with a lost of 55 men [5]
- Janequeo (1974) a tug [6]
This article includes a list of ships with the same or similar names. If an internal link for a specific ship led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended ship article, if one exists. |
The original article can be found at Chilean ship Janequeo and the edit history here.