This category is for articles concerning Royal Air Force commissioned officers.
All items (1492)
George Abecassis
Andrew Abercromby
Sir William Acland, 3rd Baronet
Harold Acton
Ken Adam
Nicolas Clark Adamson
Timothy Adcock
Michael Addison, 3rd Viscount Addison
Noel Agazarian
Angus Kennedy, 6th Marquess of Ailsa
Category:Royal Air Force air commodores
Category:Royal Air Force air marshals
Sir Max Aitken, 2nd Baronet
William Aitken (politician)
John Alcock (RAF officer)
Michael Aldridge
Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia (1924–2016)
William Alexander, Baron Alexander of Potterhill
William Melville Alexander
Napier Sturt, 3rd Baron Alington
Ian Allan (RAF officer)
Tom Allan (minister)
Geoffrey Allard
Charles Allberry
Allen Wheeler
Wentworth Beaumont, 3rd Viscount Allendale
Molly Allott
Rohan Amerasekera
David Stirling Anderson
Michael Anderson (cricketer, born 1916)
Walter Anderson (RAF officer, died 1936)
Walter Anderson (RAF officer, died 1959)
William Anderson (bishop of Salisbury)
Andrew Hall (RAF officer)
John Andrew (priest, born 1931)
John Penrose Angold
Anthony Antoncich
Alexander Appleford
Nicholas Argenti
Roy Arnold
Felix Arscott
Roy Ascott
Henry Cubitt, 4th Baron Ashcombe
Madhava Ashish
Claude Ashton
Frederick Ashton
Leonard Ashton
Nicholas Ashton
David Atcherley
Alfred Atkey
Ted Atkins
Alec Atkinson
Harold Atkinson (RAF officer)
Harry Atkinson (RAF officer)
Leslie Audus
William Auld
John Beech Austin
Peter Ayerst
Douglas Bader
Douglas Rivers Bagnall
Clive Bairsto
J. N. L. Baker
Arthur Baldwin, 3rd Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
John Robert Baldwin
Harold Balfour, 1st Baron Balfour of Inchrye
Cyril Stanley Bamberger
Joseph Bamford
Anthony Barber
Horace Barber
Horatio Barber
George Barclay (RAF officer)
Maurice Baring
Ralph Barker
William George Barker
C. D. Barnard
F. L. Barnard
John Vane, 11th Baron Barnard
John Barnes (Irish cricketer)
Frank Barnwell
Michael Barnwell
Geoffrey Barraclough
Simon Barrington-Ward
Fraser Barron
Errol Barrow
Gerald Barry (British journalist)
Edward Bartley (cricketer)
Tony Bartley
A. R. H. Barton
Cyril Joe Barton
Jindřich Bartoš
Eric Barwell
H. E. Bates
Robert Bateson (RAF officer)
Elizabeth Bather
Raymond Baxter
Ian Willoughby Bazalgette
Percy Beake
Harold Beamish
Roland Beamont
Andrew Beauchamp-Proctor
Francis William Beaumont
Walter Beaumont
Hugh John Beazley
Bill Bedford
Miles Beevor
Sir Alfred Beit, 2nd Baronet
Graham Bell (artist)
W. D. M. Bell
George Bellew
Sir Edward Bellingham, 5th Baronet
Tony Benn
Erik Bennett (Royal Air Force officer)
George Bennions
Bernhard Bentinck
Michael Bentine
Joseph Berry (RAF officer)
Ronald Berry (RAF officer)
John William Best
Frank Beswick, Baron Beswick
Tony Bethell
George Beurling
Henry Biard
Frank Bickerton
Arthur Bigsworth
John Billingham
Ronald Binny
John Birch (luthier)
John Bisdee (RAF officer)
George Black (RAF officer)
James Blackburn (RAF officer)
Norman Blackburn
Tony Blackman
Douglas Blackwood
Graham Bladon
Stuart Blanch
Benjamin Bathurst, 2nd Viscount Bledisloe
Nigel Bloy
Andrew George Board
George Boddy
Crelin Bodie
Derek Boitel-Gill
Robert Bolt
Hugh Bompas
Ian Bonham-Carter
Leslie Bonnet
Charles Dawson Booker
James Booth (judge)
John Stanley Booth
Robert Boothby, Baron Boothby
Basil Boothroyd
Frank Bossard
William Bostock
Terence Boston, Baron Boston of Faversham
Henry Botterell
Boulting brothers
Colin Boumphrey
C. E. Bowden
Wilfred Bowes
Thomas Bowler (RAF officer)
Donald Box
Adrian Boyd
John Moore-Brabazon, 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara
Michael Knatchbull, 5th Baron Brabourne
Ian Brackenbury
Bob Braham
John Braham (RAF officer)
Simon Brailsford
Guy Branch
Lewis Brandon
Leslie Bray
Lloyd Samuel Breadner
Gordon Brettell
Reginald Brie
Geoffrey Harry Briggs
Kenneth Briggs
Harry Frank Broadbent
Frank Arthur Brock
James Brockway
Leslie Broderick
Peter Brookes
Ivor Broom
Tommy Broom
Frank Broome (pilot)
Peter Malam Brothers
Jack Broughton (RAF officer)
De Peyster Brown
Allan Brown (RAAF officer)
Arthur Whitten Brown
K. K. Brown
Leslie Brown (RAF officer)
Mark Henry Brown
Maurice Brown
Oswald Taylor Brown
Roy Brown (RAF officer)
Jack Browne, Baron Craigton
Peregrine Cust, 6th Baron Brownlow
Dominic Bruce
Denis Bryant