All items (533)
1/3rd Lancashire Army Troops Company, Royal Engineers
103 Medium Battery, Royal Artillery
103rd (Lancashire Artillery Volunteers) Light Air Defence Regiment, Royal Artillery
103rd (Lancashire Artillery Volunteers) Regiment Royal Artillery
104 Medium Battery, Royal Artillery
104th (East Lancashire) Army Troops Company, Royal Engineers
105 Medium Battery, Royal Artillery
106 Medium Battery, Royal Artillery
106th (Lancashire Hussars) Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery
106th (Lancashire Yeomanry) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
106th (Lancashire Yeomanry) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
108th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (Lancashire Fusiliers)
109th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (Lancashire Fusiliers)
110th (Manchester) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
111th (Bolton) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
111th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (Manchester Regiment)
11th (1st Preston) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
123 Field Engineer Regiment, Royal Engineers
12th (2nd Preston) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
12th (Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry) Battalion, Manchester Regiment
12th (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment
12th Battalion, King's Regiment (Liverpool)
12th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
13th (Everton) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
13th Defence Regiment, Royal Artillery
13th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
143rd Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (Lancashire Fusiliers)
149th (Lancashire Hussars) Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery
14th (Bolton) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
14th (Edge Hill) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
14th (Liverpool) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
14th Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
14th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
150th (The Loyals) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
154 (East Lancashire) Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery
155 (East Lancashire) Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery
156 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery
15th Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
15th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
166 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery
167 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery
168 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery
16th (3rd Manchester) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
16th (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment (1st City)
16th GHQ Troops, Royal Engineers
16th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
17 Field Squadron, Royal Engineers
177 Heavy Battery, Royal Artillery
17th (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment (2nd City)
17th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
18th (Great Lever) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
18th (Liverpool Irish) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
18th (Liverpool Irish) Rifle Volunteer Corps
18th (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment (3rd City)
18th Battalion, Reconnaissance Corps
18th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
19th (Liverpool Lowland Scottish) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
19th (Manchester) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
19th (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment (4th City)
19th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
1st (Liverpool) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
1st Administrative Battalion, Lancashire Rifle Volunteers
1st Administrative Brigade, Lancashire Artillery Volunteers
1st East Lancashire Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
1st East Lancashire Field Company, Royal Engineers
1st Lancashire Artillery Volunteers
1st Lancashire Engineers
1st Lancashire Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
1st Lancashire Light Horse Volunteers
1st Lancashire Mounted Rifle Volunteers
1st Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
1st Lancashire Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers)
1st Manchester Local Militia
1st Manchester Rifles
1st Middleton Local Militia
1st Royal Lancashire Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own)
1st Volunteer Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment)
1st Volunteer Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
1st Volunteer Battalion, Manchester Regiment
2/3rd Lancashire Field Company, Royal Engineers
200th (East Lancashire) Field Company, Royal Engineers
201st (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
201st (East Lancashire) Field Company, Royal Engineers
202nd (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
202nd (East Lancashire) Field Company, Royal Engineers
203rd (East Lancashire) Field Company, Royal Engineers
205th (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
206th (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
207th (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
208 (3rd West Lancashire) Battery Royal Artillery
208th (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
209 (Manchester Artillery) Battery Royal Artillery
209 (Manchester Artillery) Light Air Defence Battery, Royal Artillery
209th (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
20th (Liverpool) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
20th (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment (5th City)
20th Lancashire Battery, Royal Field Artillery
210th (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
210th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
211th (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
211th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
212th (East Lancashire) Field Battery, Royal Artillery
212th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
216 (Bolton Artillery) Battery Royal Artillery
21st (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment (6th City)
21st (Wigan) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
21st Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
22 (West Lancashire) Corps Signal Regiment
22nd (Church) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
22nd (Liverpool Exchange) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
22nd (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment (7th City)
23rd (Chorley) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
23rd (Lancashire) Company, Imperial Yeomanry
23rd (Service) Battalion, Manchester Regiment (8th City)
252nd (Manchester) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
253 Crane Operating Squadron, Royal Engineers
253rd (Bolton) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
255th Field Company, Royal Engineers
256th Field Company, Royal Engineers
256th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
257th Field Company, Royal Engineers
257th Field Squadron, Royal Engineers
258th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers
25th (Liverpool) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
25th (Reserve) Battalion, Manchester Regiment
25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
26th (Birkdale) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
26th (Reserve) Battalion, Manchester Regiment
277th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
278th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
27th (Bolton) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
27th (Reserve) Battalion, Manchester Regiment
287th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
288th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
28th Battalion, Manchester Regiment
293rd (East Lancashire) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
2nd (Crosby) Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps
2nd (Lancashire) Army Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
2nd Battalion, Reconnaissance Corps
2nd Brigade, Lancashire Division, Royal Artillery
2nd East Lancashire Brigade (The Manchester Artillery), Royal Field Artillery
2nd East Lancashire Field Company, Royal Engineers
2nd Lancashire Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
2nd Lancashire Light Horse Volunteers
2nd Middleton Local Militia
2nd Reconnaissance Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps
2nd Royal Lancashire Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own Rifles)
2nd Volunteer Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
2nd Volunteer Battalion, Manchester Regiment
2nd Volunteer Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment
2nd Western Corps Signals
306th (Lancashire Hussars) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
306th (Lancashire Hussars) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery
30th (Fishwick) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
310th (8th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
310th (Manchester) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
314th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
32nd (Lancashire) Company, Imperial Yeomanry
32nd (Liverpool) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
33rd Signal Regiment (United Kingdom)
330th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
331st Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
332nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
356th Anti-Aircraft Company, Royal Engineers
356th Moonlight Battery, Royal Artillery
359th (4th West Lancashire) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery
368th (4th West Lancashire) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery
380th (King's Own) Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery
380th (King's Own) Light Regiment, Royal Artillery
38th (Liverpool) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
38th (The King's Regiment) Anti-Aircraft Battalion, Royal Engineers
38th (The King's Regiment) Searchlight Regiment, Royal Artillery
390th (King's Own) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
39th (Liverpool Welsh) Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps
39th (The Lancashire Fusiliers) Anti-Aircraft Battalion, Royal Engineers
39th (The Lancashire Fusiliers) Searchlight Regiment, Royal Artillery
39th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
3rd (1st Royal Lancashire Militia) Battalion, King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster)
3rd (2nd Royal Lancashire Militia) Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment)
3rd (3rd Royal Lancashire Militia) Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
3rd (4th Royal Lancashire Militia) Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment
3rd (5th Royal Lancashire Militia) Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment
3rd (6th Royal Lancashire Militia) Battalion, Manchester Regiment
3rd (7th Royal Lancashire Militia) Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers
3rd (Prince Regent's Own) Royal Lancashire Militia
3rd (Reserve) Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment
3rd (Reserve) Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment)
3rd (Reserve) Battalion, King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster)
3rd (Reserve) Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers
3rd (Reserve) Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
3rd (Reserve) Battalion, Manchester Regiment
3rd (Reserve) Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment
3rd Administrative Brigade, Lancashire Artillery Volunteers
3rd East Lancashire Brigade (The Bolton Artillery), Royal Field Artillery
3rd Lancashire Artillery Volunteers
3rd Lancashire Engineer Volunteers
3rd Lancashire Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers)
3rd Manchester Rifles
3rd Royal Lancashire Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own)