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When the year of birth for a living individual has been researched, but the month and day remain missing, please do not add "Category:Date of birth missing (living people)" to an article before ascertaining said individual's full public prominence. The privacy of marginally-notable "non-public figures" must be respected. Such people, even if their entire date of birth is available in a public record, should have only their year of birth indicated. |
This category is intended for use in biographical entries which indicate the living individual's year of birth, but not the month and day, because of lack of research, availability in a reliable source or notation in the relevant article.
- For individuals in Category:Possibly living people and historically recent individuals who are no longer alive, please use Category:Date of birth missing
- If the month, day and year are missing from an entry for a living individual, please use Category:Year of birth missing (living people).
- This category and Category:Year of birth missing (living people) are intended to be mutually exclusive.
Related categories[]
- Category:Year of birth missing
- Category:Year of birth missing (living people)
- Category:Year of birth unknown
- Category:Date of birth missing
- Category:Date of birth unknown
- Category:Place of birth missing
- Category:Place of birth missing (living people)
- Category:Place of birth unknown
- Category:Year of death missing
- Category:Year of death unknown
- Category:Date of death missing
- Category:Date of death unknown
- Category:Place of death missing
- Category:Place of death unknown
See also[]
All items (200)
- Jeff Struecker