Chronological listing of the battles of the Battles of the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878)
List of Battles[]
Key: (R) – Russian victory; (O) – Ottoman victory; (I) – Inconclusive
- June 25 – Battle of Kizil-Tepe; Russian attempt at besieging Kars is driven off (O)
- June 26 – Battle of Simnitza; Russians begin crossing the Danube River (R)
- June 26 – Battle of Svistov; Russians reduce fortress and move on to Nikopol (R)
- June 26 - Battle of Elena I (R)
- July 16 – Battle of Nikopol; Russians move into Bulgaria (R)
- July 17 – Battle of Shipka Pass I; Russians capture Shipka Pass (R)
- July 20 – Siege of Plevna begins (R)
- July 20 - First battle of Plevna Ottomans repulse the Russian attack (O)
- July 31 - Second battle of Plevna Ottomans repulse the Russian attack (O)
- August 21 – Battle of Shipka Pass II; Russians repulse Ottoman attack on Shipka Pass (R)
- September 3 – Battle of Lovcha; Russians reduce during the siege of Plevna (R)
- September 11 - Third battle of Plevna Ottomans repulse the Russian attack (O)
- September 13 – Battle of Shipka Pass III; Russians repulse second Ottoman attack on Shipka Pass (R)
- October 2/4 – Battle of Yahni; The Russians made some gains but were not able to hold them (O)
- October 12/15 – Battle of Aladja Dag; Ottoman army under Hadji Resit Pasha surrenders (R)
- October 24 – Battle of Gorni-Dubnik; Russians capture Turkish redoubt guarding Plevna supply lines (R)
- November 4 – Battle of Deve Boyun; Russian general Heimann won a further battle (R)
- November 8/9 – Battle of Erzurum; Russians fail to capture Erzurum in an attack (O)
- November 17 – Battle of Kars; Russians seize Ottoman fortress in the Caucasus region (R)
- December 4 - Battle of Elena II (O)
- December 10 – Plevna capitulates to Russia (R)
- December 14 - Battle of Elena III (R)
- December 28 – Battle of Tashkessen; covering the general withdrawal, Turks briefly check Russian advance (O)
- January 5 – Battle of Shipka Pass IV; General Gourko crushes Turks at Shipka Pass (R)
- January 17 – Battle of Philippopolis; Gourko routes Turkish forces and moves to within striking distance of İstanbul (R)
See also[]
The original article can be found at Battles of the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) and the edit history here.