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Military Wiki
Battle of Karabucak
Part of Franco-Turkish war
Result French victory
Ottoman flag alternative 2 Kuva-yi Milliye France France

The Karabucak Defense is an event that took place in Kozan during the Turkish War of Independence.

By the order of the commander of the occupation forces, a Turkish collector and 3 Armenian kamovans are sent to collect taxes from the villages of Karabucak, Şerifli, Mahyalar, Çürüklü, Minnetli and Kuyubeli in Kozan. When these people put pressure on the villagers and began to collect taxes by force, the local notable was killed by Gavur Ali Ağa, one of Deli Hacı Ağa's followers, and his gang.

As a result of this incident, although

  • Ökkeş Efendi,
  • Helvacızade Ahmet Hafi Bey,
  • Nalbant Ethem Usta,
  • Nalbant Ethem Ustanın oğlu Kemal Efendi,
  • Üçdutlu Şükrü Efendi,
  • Himmet Çavuş,
  • Gökoğlu Mustafa,
  • Mısırlızade Avukat Mahmut Efendi,
  • Çamurdanzade Mehmet Zait,
  • Teacher Lütfullah Erdem,
  • Teacher Ahmet Cemil Bey,
  • Battal Ağa Oğlu Ömer, Was Arrested.

Çerkes Nuri Sergeant, who came from Kadirli with his gang to release these detainees, talks to the occupation commander, asks for their release and puts pressure on them by saying that he will start an armed action together with the people if they are not released. Ultimately, these detainees were released.